Microbiota's influence on immunity / Honda, K. ... [et al.] -- Inflammasomes and mucosal immune response / Elinav, E., Henao-Mejia, J., Flavell, R.A. -- Microbial endocrinology : an evolution-based shared mechanism determining microbiota's influence on health and disease / Lyte, M. -- Standing guard : innate lymphoid cells promote immunity and tissue homeostasis at barrier surface / Monticelli, L.A., Artis, D. -- miRNAs that shape the innate immune system : regulation through toll-like receptor signaling / Curtis, A.M., O'Neill, L.A. -- Type 2 diabetes and islet inflammation / Donath, M.Y. -- The innate immune system in Alzheimer's disease / Becker, H., Halle, A. -- Role of inflammasomes in obesity / Dixit, V.D. -- Gut-brain communication in the regulation of system metabolism / Miller, T.D., Pfliger, P.T., and Tschip, M.H. -- Metabolism and innate immunity : FOXO regulation of antimicrobial peptides in drosophila / Loch, G. ... [et al.] -- Dendritics cells orchestrate innate immunity agains bacterial kidney infection / Tittel, A.P. ... [et al.].