Introduction: the Northwest Passage and the imperial project: history, ideology, myth / Sophie Lemercier-Goddard and Frédéric Regard -- Arctics of empire: the north in Principal navigations (1598-1600) / Mary C. Fuller -- From myth to appropriation: English discourses on the Strait of Anian (1566-1628) / Ladan Niayesh -- 'Not now believed': the textual faite of the Baffin and Bylot expeditions (1615-16) / Catherine Becasse -- George Best's Arctic mirrors: A true discourse of the late voyages of discoverie ... of Martin Frobisher (1578) / Sophie Lemercier-Goddard -- 'A people of tractable conversation': a reappraisal of Davis's contribution to Arctic scholarship (1585-7) / Marc-Antoine Mahieu and Mickael Popelard -- Booking a Northwest passage: Thomas James and The strange and dangerous voyage (1633) / I.S. MacLaren -- Anthropology as curiosity: Samuel Hearne's Journey from Prince of Wales's fort ... to the Northern ocean in the years 1769, 1770, 1771 & 1772 (1795) / Nathalie Zimpfer -- Alexander Mackenzie's search for the Northwest passage: the commercial imperative (1789-93) / Robert Sayre -- Illusion, (self-)delusion: Jeffersons's 'corps of discovery' and the elusive Northwest passage / Gerard Hugues.
Northwest Passage, Discovery and exploration, British.