Cover Title Copyright Contents List of tables Notes on contributors Introduction PART I Framing and assessing the War on Terror 1 The evil scourge of terrorism 2 The complex relationship between peacebuilding and terrorism approaches: towards post-terrorism and a post-liberal peace? 3 Trauma and the city: the psychology of America's terrorism trauma PART II Hearing from the victims of terror-inflicted regions 4 The Syrian tragedy: the role of the West, a government insider's account 5 Iraq: a victim of terror and the War on Terror. 6 The ideological origins of ISIS: fighting terror with common sense7 Winning the hearts and minds of the Pukhtuns of Afghanistan and Northwest Pakistan with altruism, public health and development, not by terrorism and counterterrorism PART III Calculating the costs of the War on Terror 8 The global war on terrorism: how ethical and effective? 9 Led astray: legal and moral blowback from the global War on Terror 10 Terror from above and within: the hidden cultural and political costs of lethal drones PART IV Analyzing, negotiating with, and ending terror groups. 11 A dialogue on why Western youth are attracted to ISIS12 Negotiating with the Taliban: not war on terrorism, but dialogue for solutions 13 A tale of two CTs: a ground-level counterinsurgency perspective on Belgian counter-terrorism measures 14 The 'war on terrorism': what does it mean to win? Conclusion Index.