superficial, medium, and deep peels in cosmetic practice
First Statement of Responsibility
Philippe Deprez.
Edition Statement
Second edition
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Boca Raton, FL
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
CRC Press,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
(397) : illustrations.
Series Title
Series in cosmetic and laser therapy.
Text of Note
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Text of Note
Front Cover Contents Acknowledgment 1: Definition and classification of chemical peels 2: Prepeel care 3: Postpeel care 4: Factors influencing the skin's reactions to chemical peels 5: Selection of the right peel 6: Alpha hydroxy acids: Chemistry, pH and pKa, and mechanism of action 7: Alpha hydroxy acids: Histology and factors influencing penetration 8: Alpha hydroxy acids: Indications and results 9: Alpha hydroxy acids: Application as cosmetics and as peels 10: Alpha hydroxy acids: Side effects of AHAs. 11: Alpha hydroxy acids: A new slow-release AHA complex with no neutralization required12: Trichloroacetic acid: General information, toxicity, formulations, and histology 13: Trichloroacetic acid: Indications and contraindications 14: Trichloroacetic acid: Classic semiology 15: Easy TCA and Easy TCA Pain Control: Description and basic protocols 16: Treating melasma, chloasma, and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation 17: Treating acne 18: Treating multiple keratoses on the scalp 19: Treating aging skin of the hands and forearms 20: Treating the neck and décolletage. 21: Stretch marks, scars, and pilar keratosis: Anterior chemabrasion22: Face and hands: Actinic keratoses and lentigines 23: Trichloroacetic acid to the papillary dermis: Unideep 24: Resorcinol: Unna's paste/Jessner's solution 25: Phenol: Chemistry, formulations, and adjuvants 26: Phenol: Properties and histology 27: Phenol: Skin penetration and detoxification 28: Phenol toxicity: Causes, prevention, and treatment 29: Phenol: Choice of peel and combination treatments 30: Phenol: Indications 31: Phenol: Contraindications, precautions, and safety 32: Phenol: Prepeel preparation. 33: Full-face phenol: Nerve block anesthesia and/or sedation34: Full-face phenol: Application 35: Full-face phenol: Postpeel care 36: Phenol: Chemical blepharoplasty and cheiloplasty 37: Complications of chemical peels 38: Combination peels Back Cover.
Text of Note
Chemical peels have returned to the forefront of the practitioner's armamentarium and are popular because they offer nearly immediate results. The Textbook of Chemical Peels is the definitive guide to all types of chemical peel treatments. It covers the practical application and scientific background for a wide variety of chemical peels.",,,,,,"Chemical peels have returned to the forefront of the practitioner's armamentarium and are popular because they offer nearly immediate results. The Textbook of Chemical Peels is the definitive guide to all types of chemical peel treatments. It covers the practical application and scientific background for a wide variety of chemical peels.