Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology book series
Text of Note
Autophagy in Stationary Phase of Growth / José L. Aguilar-López, Soledad Funes -- Bacterial Lipid Domains and Their Role in Cell Processes / Adrián F. Alvarez, Dimitris Georgellis -- Bacterial Sphingolipids and Sulfonolipids / Otto Geiger, Jonathan Padilla-Gómez, Isabel M. López-Lara -- Biogenesis of Medium-Chain-Length Polyhydroxyalkanoates / Ryan Kniewel, Olga Revelles Lopez, M. Auxiliadora Prieto -- Biosynthesis and Evolution of Archaeal Membranes and Ether Phospholipids / Yosuke Koga -- Components and Key Regulatory Steps of Lipid Biosynthesis in Actinomycetes / Gabriela Gago, Ana Arabolaza, Lautaro Diacovich, Hugo Gramajo -- Contributions of Membrane Lipids to Bacterial Cell Homeostasis upon Osmotic Challenge / T. Romantsov, J.M. Wood -- Fatty Acid Synthesis and Regulation / Isabel M. López-Lara, María J. Soto -- Fatty Acid-Binding Proteins, a Family of Lipid Chaperones / Masato Furuhashi -- Fatty Acids: Introduction / Eric R. Moellering, Victoria L. Prince, Roger C. Prince -- Flip-Flopping Membrane Proteins: How the Charge Balance Rule Governs Dynamic Membrane Protein Topology / Mikhail Bogdanov, Heidi Vitrac, William Dowhan -- Formation of Bacterial Glycerol-Based Membrane Lipids: Pathways, Enzymes, and Reactions / Otto Geiger, Christian Sohlenkamp, Isabel M. López-Lara -- Formation of Fatty Acids / Isabel M. López-Lara, Otto Geiger -- Formation of Isoprenoids / Jordi Pérez-Gil, Manuel Rodríguez-Concepción, Claudia E. Vickers -- Formation of Lipochitin Oligosaccharide Signaling Molecules / V. Poinsot, F. Couderc -- Functional Roles of Individual Membrane Phospholipids in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae / William Dowhan, Mikhail Bogdanov, Eugenia Mileykovskaya, Heidi Vitrac -- Functional Roles of Non-membrane Lipids in Bacterial Signaling / M. J. Soto, N. Calatrava-Morales, I. M. López-Lara -- Lactose Permease: From Membrane to Molecule to Mechanism / Lan Guan, H Ronald Kaback -- Lipid A / Russell E. Bishop -- Lipid Intermediates in Bacterial Peptidoglycan Biosynthesis / Hélène Barreteau, Didier Blanot, Dominique Mengin-Lecreulx, Thierry Touzé -- Lipoteichoic Acid Synthesis and Function in Gram-Positive Bacteria / Olaf Schneewind, Dominique Missiakas -- Marinobacter as a Model Organism for Wax Ester Accumulation in Bacteria / Carolann M. Knutson, Eric M. Lenneman, Brett M. Barney -- Membrane Formation and Regulation / Megan E. Ericson, Charles O. Rock -- Membrane Homeostasis in Bacteria upon pH Challenge / Christian Sohlenkamp -- Membrane Homeostasis upon Nutrient (C, N, P) Limitation / F. Schubotz -- Membrane Lipid Biogenesis / Howard Goldfine -- Membrane-Disrupting Proteins / Jeremy H. Lakey, Gregor Anderluh -- Metabolism and Regulation of Glycerolipids in Yeast / Vanina Zaremberg, Suriakarthiga Ganesan, Brittney N. Shabits -- Metabolism and Roles of Sphingolipids in Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Jihui Ren, Yusuf A. Hannun -- Modeling Lipid Membranes / Pouyan Khakbaz, Viviana Monje-Galvan, Xiaohong Zhuang, Jeffery B. Klauda -- Modeling Lipid Metabolism in Yeast / Eduard J. Kerkhoven -- Mycolic Acids: From Chemistry to Biology / Mamadou Daffé, Annaïk Quémard, Hedia Marrakchi -- Nonpolar Lipids in Yeast: Synthesis, Storage, and Degradation / Karin Athenstaedt -- Ornithine Lipids and Other Amino Acid-Containing Acyloxyacyl Lipids / Christian Sohlenkamp -- Outer Membrane Vesicles of Bacteria: Structure, Biogenesis, and Function / Armaity Nasarabadi, James E. Berleman, Manfred Auer -- Phenolic Lipids Synthesized by Type III Polyketide Synthases / Akimasa Miyanaga, Yasuo Ohnishi -- Players in the Nonpolar Lipid Game: Proteins Involved in Nonpolar Lipid Metabolism in Yeast / Karin Athenstaedt -- Protein Lipidation, Elucidation by Chemical Proteomics, and Its Functional Roles / Gemma Triola -- Regulation of Membrane Lipid Homeostasis in Bacteria upon Temperature Change / M. C. Mansilla, D. de Mendoza -- Role of the BAM Complex in Outer Membrane Assembly / Fernando Navarro-Garcia -- Storage of Hydrophobic Polymers in Bacteria / Luísa S. Serafim, Ana M. R. B. Xavier, Paulo C. Lemos -- Structure:Function of Transmembrane Appendages in Gram-Negative Bacteria / Miguel Ángel Díaz-Guerrero, Meztlli O. Gaytán, Bertha González-Pedrajo -- Synthesis of Acetyl-CoA from Carbon Dioxide in Acetogenic Bacteria / A. Wiechmann, V. Müller -- Type III Polyketide Synthases Responsible for Phenolic Lipid Synthesis / Akimasa Miyanaga, Yasuo Ohnishi -- Vitamin Formation from Fatty Acid Precursors / Michael F. Dunn -- Wax Ester and Triacylglycerol Biosynthesis in Bacteria / H. M. Alvarez, M. A. Hernández, O. M. Herrero, M. P. Lanfranconi, R. A. Silva, M. S. Villalba.