Principles of endocrinology -- The endocrine patient -- Genetic control of peptide hormone formation -- Mechanism of action of hormones that act on nuclear receptors -- Mechanism of action of hormones that act at the cell surface -- Laboratory techniques for recognition of endocrine disorders -- Neuroendocrinology -- Anterior pituitary -- Posterior pituitary -- Thyroid physiology and diagnostic evaluation of patients with thyroid disorders -- Thyrotoxicosis -- Hypothyroidism and thyroiditis -- Nontoxic diffuse and nodular goiter and thyroid neoplasia -- The adrenal cortex -- Endocrine hypertension -- The physiology and pathology of the female reproductive axis -- Hormonal contraception -- Testicular disorders -- Sexual dysfunction in men and women -- Endorcine changes in pregnancy -- Endocrinology of fetal development -- Disorders of sex development -- Normal and aberrant growth -- Puberty: ontogeny, neuroendocrinology, physiology, and disorders -- Hormones and athletic performance -- Endocrinology and aging -- Hormones and disorders of mineral metabolism -- Metabolic bone disease -- Kidney stones -- Type 2 diabetes mellitus -- Type 1 diabetes mellitus -- Complications of diabetes mellitus -- Glucose homeostasis and hypoglycemia -- Neuroendocrine control of energy stores -- Obesity -- Disorders of lipid metabolism -- Endocrinology of HIV/AIDS -- Gastrointestinal hormones and gut endocrine tumors -- Pathogenesis of endocrine tumors -- Multiple endocrine neoplasia -- The immunoendocrinopathy syndromes -- Endocrine-responsive cancer -- Humoral manifestations of malignancy -- Carcinoid tumors, carcinoid syndrome, and related disorders.