Text of Note
]edited by[ Marco Cesa
Text of Note
Chronology of Machiavelli's times and life -- Emperors, kings, and popes in Machiavelli's time -- Introduction -- Part I: A way of thinking and some basic assumptions -- A compelling logic -- Either, or. Speech concerning Pisa, Provisions for retaking Pisa ; What Duke Valentino will do. II Mission to Duke Valentino ; Reason guides analysis. Letter to Francesco Vettori, 92 April 3151 -- On human nature -- If men were all good. Prince XV, XVII, and XVIII ; Some men desire, whilst others fear. Discourses I, 73 and 5 ; Nations preserve for a long time the same character. Discourses III, 34 -- On times and affairs -- The world remains very much in the same condition. Discourses I, Introduction, 93, Discourses II, Introduction ; Times, the conditions of things, wisdom, and fortune. Letter to Giovan Battista Soderini, 31-12 September 6051 ; What Can, and cannot, be done about fortune. Prince XXV, Discourses II, 92 -- Part II: The international context : fear and self-help -- Survival and security -- Only force makes states keep their word. Words to be spoken on the law for appropriating money, after giving a little introduction and excuse ; Security is more important than glory. Life of Castruccio Castracani of Lucca ; All means are acceptable when the survival of the state is at stake. Discourses III, 14-2 ; The antagonism of opposing forces. Letter to Francesco Vettori, 02 June 3151 -- 'Fear is the greatest master' -- The Popes. Discourses I, 21, Florentine histories II, 01 ; France. An account of the affairs of France ; Spain. Letter to Francesco Vettori, 61 April 4151 ; Florence. Florentine histories V, 21-31 ; Naples. Florentine histories VIII, 91-22 ; Venice. Florentine histories I, 92 ; Milan. Florentine histories V, 5 -- Good laws and good armies -- The foundations of all states. Prince XII, Discourses III, 13 ; External threats and military organizations. Art of war II ; Military force is at the service of security. Art of war, Introduction and VII -- Part III: Domestic orders, disorders, and foreign affairs -- The great powers compared -- France. An account of the affairs of France ; The empire. Report on the affairs of Germany -- Domestic affairs and foreign affairs -- Location, growth, security, and laws. Discourses I, 1 ; Domestic divisions, forms of government, and expansion. Discourses I, 6 ; Domestic divisions and external enemies. Florentine histories, Introduction V, 4, II, 62, Discourses II, 52 -- Leaders and strategies -- Cosimo rules over a divided city. Florentine histories VII, 5-6 ; Duke Valentino establishes a new state. Prince VII ; Julius II temporizes. I Mission to the Court of Rome ; Ferdinand II rises in power and prestige. Prince XXI -- Republics and principalities -- A republic's foreign policy is reckless. Discourses I, 35 ; And slow. Discourses I, 43, II, 51 ; Both republics and principalities resort to fraud. Discourses II, 31 -- And end up subjugating those who invoke their help. Discourses II, 02 ; Republics are somewhat better equipped to adapt to the times. Discourses III, 9 ; And are somewhat more reliable allies. Discourses I, 95 ; Yet, republics are more predisposed to grow and expand, and are harsher masters. Discourses II, 2 -- Part IV: Foreign policy and international politics -- Preferences, opportunities, and constraints -- When will one act? Letter to Giovanni Ridolfi, 21 June 6051 ; Revisionist powers and international stability. Letter to Francesco Vettori, 01 August 3151 ; Goals change and necessity overrules intentions. Letter to Francesco Vettori, 01 August 3151, and Letter to Francesco Vettori, 62 August 3151 ; On molesting and being molested. Discourses II, 91 -- Dealing with threats -- Balancing against a great power is not easy at all. Discourses I, 33, III, 11 ; Having achieved security, states aim at more. Florentine histories V, 9-01, V, 71-22 ; Deciding to resist. Florentine histories V, 11 -- Engaging in expansion -- The Roman example. Discourses II, 1 ; A war of aggression. Florentine histories IV, 81-02 ; Taking a city by force may be counterproductive. Florentine histories VII, 03 ; Louis XII's mistakes. Prince III -- Neutrality and alliances -- Why neutrality is to be avoided. Prince XXI ; Alliances and the rise of Rome. Discourses II, 4 ; No way out. I Mission to France ; The risks of asymmetrical alliances. II Mission to Duke Valentino ; Allied misgivings. Florentine histories IV, 3-5, 31, 51 ; Coalitions are unreliable. Florentine histories VIII, 42-6 ; And litigious. Mission to Mantua on business with the Emperor -- Part V: History and analysis -- The Italian state system, 4441-4541. Florentine histories VI, 11-41, 71-72, 13-2 -- Entrapping an ally : France and Florence. III Mission to France -- What the Pope should do now. Letter to Francesco Vettori, 01 December 4151 -- Towards the Sack of Rome. Mission to Francesco Guicciardini at the Camp of the League of Cognac