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Edited by Kurt Gray, Jesse Graham
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Text of Note
Machine generated contents note: Chapter-Opening Questions and Answers I. Morality and Thinking 1. Can We Understand Moral Thinking without Understanding Thinking? / Joshua D. Greene 2. Reasoning at the Root of Morality, Elliot Turiel 3. Moral Judgment: Reflective, Interactive, Spontaneous, Challenging, and Always Evolving, Melanie Killen & Audun Dahl 4. On the Possibility of Intuitive and Deliberative Processes Working in Parallel in Moral Judgment, Kees van den Bos 5. The Wrong and the Bad, Shaun Nichols II. Morality and Feeling 6. Empathy Is a Moral Force, Jamil Zaki 7. Moral Value and Motivation: How Special Are They?, Ryan Miller & Fiery Cushman 8. A Component Process Model of Disgust, Anger, and Moral Judgment, Hanah A. Chapman 9. A Functional Conflict Theory of Moral Emotions, Roger Giner-Sorolla 01. Getting Emotions Right in Moral Psychology, Piercarlo Valdesolo III. Morality, Social Cognition, and Identity 11. What Do We Evaluate When We Evaluate Moral Character?, Eric G. Helzer & Clayton R. Critcher 21. Moral Cognition and Its Basis in Social Cognition and Social Regulation, John Voiklis & Bertram Malle 31. Morality Is Personal, Justin F. Landy & Eric Luis Uhlmann 41. A Social Cognitive Model of Moral Identity, Karl Aquino & Adam Kay 51. Identity Is Essentially Moral, Nina Strohminger 61. The Core of Morality Is the Moral Self, Paul Conway 71. Thinking Morally about Animals, Stephen Loughnan & Jared Piazza IV. Morality and Intergroup Conflict 81. Morality Is for Choosing Sides, Peter DeScioli & Robert Kurzban 91. Morality for Us versus Them, Adam Waytz & Liane Young 02. Pleasure in Response to Outgroup Pain as a Motivator of Intergroup Aggression, Mina Cikara 12. How Can Universal Stereotypes Be Immoral?, Susan T. Fiske V. Morality and Culture 22. Moral Foundations Theory: On the Advantages of Moral Pluralism over Moral Monism, Jesse Graham, Jonathan Haidt, Matt Motyl, Peter Meindl, Carol Iskiwitch, & Marlon Mooijman 32. The Model of Moral Motives: A Map of the Moral Domain, Ronnie Janoff-Bulman & Nate C. Carnes 42. Relationship Regulation Theory, Tage S. Rai 52. A Stairway to Heaven: A Terror Management Theory Perspective on Morality, Andrea M. Yetzer, Tom Pyszczynski, & Jeff Greenberg 62. Moral Heroes Are Puppets, Jeremy Frimer 72. Morality: A Historical Invention, Edouard Machery 82. The History of Moral Norms, Jesse J. Prinz VI. Morality and the Body 92. The Moralization of the Body: Protecting and Expanding the Boundaries of the Self, Gabriela Pavarini & Simone Schnall 03. Grounded Morality, Simon M. Laham & Justin J. Kelly VII. Morality and Beliefs 13. Moral Vitalism, Brock Bastian 23. The Objectivity of Moral Beliefs, Geoffrey P. Goodwin 33. Folk Theories in the Moral Domain, Sara Gottlieb & Tania Lombrozo 43. Free Will and Moral Psychology, Roy F. Baumeister 53. The Geographies of Religious and Nonreligious Morality, Brett Mercier & Azim Shariff 63. The Egocentric Teleological Bias: How Self-Serving Morality Shapes Perceptions of Intelligent Design, Jesse L. Preston VIII. Dynamic Moral Judgment 73. Moralization: How Acts Become Wrong, Chelsea Schein & Kurt Gray 83. Moral Coherence Processes and Denial of Moral Complexity, Brittany S. Liu, Sean P. Wojcik, & Peter H. Ditto 93. What Is Blame and Why Do We Love It?, Mark D. Alicke, Ross Rogers, & Sarah Taylor IX. Developmental and Evolutionary Roots of Morality 04. Do Animals Have a Sense of Fairness?, Katherine McAuliffe & Laurie R. Santos 14. The Infantile Roots of Sociomoral Evaluations, Julia Van de Vondervoort & J. Kiley Hamlin 24. Atlas Hugged: The Foundations of Human Altruism, Felix Warneken 34. The Developmental Origins of Infants' Distributive Fairness Concerns, Jessica A. Sommerville & Talee Ziv 44. Vulnerability-Based Morality, Anton J. M. Dijker 54. The Attachment Approach to Moral Judgment, Aner Govrin 64. Ethogenesis: Evolution, Early Experience, and Moral Becoming, Darcia Narvaez X. Moral Behavior 74. On the Distinction between Unethical and Selfish Behavior, Jackson G. Lu, Ting Zhang, Derek D. Rucker, & Adam D. Galinsky 84. In Search of Moral Equilibrium: Person, Situation, and Their Interplay in Behavioral Ethics, Julia J. Lee & Francesca Gino 94. Unconflicted Virtue, Kate Schmidt 05. Moral Clarity, Scott S. Wiltermuth & David T. Newman XI. Studying Morality 15. Why Developmental Neuroscience Is Critical for the Study of Morality, Jean Decety & Jason M. Cowell 25. Implicit Moral Cognition, C. Daryl Cameron, Julian A. Scheffer, & Victoria L. Spring 35. Into the Wild: Big Data Analytics in Moral Psychology, Joseph Hoover, Morteza Dehghani, Kate Johnson, Rumen Iliev, & Jesse Graham 45. Applied Moral Psychology, Yoel Inbar XII. Clarifying Morality 55. The Moral Domain, Stephen Stich 65. There is No Important Distinction between Moral and Nonmoral Cognition, Joshua Knobe 75. Asking the Right Questions in Moral Psychology, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong. Index