Definition / Andrew Kania -- Silence, sound, noise, and music / Jennifer Judkins -- Rhythm, melody, and harmony / Roger Scruton -- Ontology / Carl Matheson and Ben Caplan -- Medium / David Davies -- Improvisation / Lee B. Brown -- Notations / Stephen Davies -- Performances and recordings / Andrew Kania and Theodore Gracyk -- Authentic performance practice / Paul Thom -- Music and language / Ray Jackendoff -- Music and imagination / Saam Trivedi -- Understanding music / Erkki Huovinen -- Style / Jennifer Judkins -- Aesthetic properties / Rafael De Clercq -- Value / Alan H. Goldman -- Evaluating music / Theodore Gracyk -- Appropriation and hybridity / James O. Young -- Instrumental technology / Anthony Gritten -- Expression theories / Jenefer Robinson -- Arousal theories / Derek Matravers -- Resemblance theories / Saam Trivedi -- Music's arousal of emotions / Malcolm Budd -- Classical aesthetic traditions of India, China, and the Middle East / Peter Manuel and Stephen Blum -- Antiquity and the middle ages / Thomas J. Mathiesen -- The early modern period / Jeanette Bicknell -- Continental philosophy and music / Tiger C. Roholt -- Analytic philosophy and music / Stephen Davies -- Plato / Stephen Halliwell -- Rousseau / Julia Simon -- Kant / Hannah Ginsborg -- Schopenhauer / Alex Neill -- Nietzsche / John M. Carvalho -- Hanslick / Thomas Grey -- Gurney / Malcolm Budd -- Wagner / Thomas Grey -- Adorno / Andy Hamilton -- Popular music / John Andrew Fisher -- Rock / Allan F. Moore -- Jazz / Lee B. Brown -- Song / Jeanette Bicknell -- Opera / Paul Thom -- Music and motion pictures / Noël Carroll and Margaret Moore -- Music and dance / Robynn J. Stilwell -- Visual music and synesthesia / Kathleen Marie Higgins -- Musicology / Justin London -- Music theory and philosophy / Judy Lochhead -- Composition / Roger Scruton -- Analysis / Joseph Dubiel -- Ethnomusicology / Peter Manuel -- Music and politics / James Currie -- Sociology and cultural studies / Anthony Kwame Harrison -- Music and gender / Fred Everett Maus -- Phenomenology of music / Bruce Ellis Benson -- Music, philosophy, and cognitive science / Diana Raffman -- Psychology of music / Eric Clarke -- Music education / Philip Alperson.
Text of Note
This is a guide and reference source to the key topics, subjects, thinkers and debates in philosophy and music. Over 50 entries by an international team of contributors are organised into six sections.