AGM theory and artificial intelligence / Raúl Carnota and Ricardo Rodríguez -- Changing the scientific corpus / Sven Ove Hansson -- Idealizations, intertheory explanations and conditionals / Hans Rott -- Abductive belief revision in science / Gerhard Schurz -- A structuralist framework for the logic of theory change / Sebastian Enqvist -- Using conceptual spaces to model the dynamics of empirical theories / Peter Gärdenfors and Frank Zenker -- A note on theory change and belief revision / Bengt Hansson -- Social norms, rational choice and belief change / Horacio Arló-Costa and Arthur Paul Pedersen -- Rational belief changes for collective agents / David Westlund -- The best of all possible worlds : where interrogative games meet research agendas / Emmanuel Genot -- Functional vs. relational approaches to belief revision / Erik J. Olsson -- Knowledge as true belief / Isaac Levi -- Reasoning about belief revision / Caroline Semmling and Heinrich Wansing -- Changing minds about climate change : belief revision, coherence, and emotion / Paul ThHgard and Scott Findlay -- Rationality in flux : formal representations of methodological change / Jonas Nilsson and Sten Lindström.