Introduction.- Chapter 1. Dangerous Radicals or Symbols of Crisis and Change: Re-Theorising the Status of Muslim Boys as a Threat to the Social Order-- Farzana Shain.- Chapter 2. Late Modern Muslims: Theorising Islamic Identities amongst University Students-- Paul Bagguley & Yasmin Hussain-- Chapter 3. Education of Muslim Students in Turbulent Times-- Saeeda Shah.- Chapter 4. Factoring in Faith Fairly: A Contribution from Critical Realism to the Authentic Framing of Muslims-in-Education-- Matthew Wilkinson.- Chapter 5. Towards Multicultural, Multi-Religious European Societies? Schooling Turkish Students in Britain and Germany-- Daniel Faas.- Chapter 6. "Uncivil" Activism: Arab, South Asian, and Afghan American Youth Politics after 9/11-- Sunaina Maria.- Chapter 7. Schooling the Enemy Within: Politics and Pedagogy-- Khawlah Ahmed.- Chapter 8. The Prevent Policy and the Values Discourse: Muslims and Racial Governmentality-- Shamim Miah.- Chapter 9. Islamophobia in Quebec Secondary Schools: Inquiries into the Experiences of Muslim Male Youth Post-9/11-- Naved Bakali.- Chapter 10. At the Intersection of Neoliberalism and Islam: Being a Muslim Woman in Turkish Universities-- Pinar Enneli & Caglar Enneli.- Chapter 11. Being Uyghur or Being Muslim? Identity Construction of Tertiary-Level Uyghur Students in China-- Mingyue Gu & Xiaoyan Guo.- Chapter 12. Educating Muslim Students: Late Modernity, Masculinity, Inclusion/Exclusion and the Neoliberal School-- Mairtin Mac an Ghaill & Chris Haywood.- Chapter 13. Muslim Narratives of Schooling in Britain: From "Paki" to the "Would-be-Terrorist"-- Tania Saeed.