IntroductionPart I: Honing the skills of MBI teachers. Stewardship : deeper structures of the co-created group / Donald McCown ; Guidance : refining the details / Aleezé S. Moss, Diane Reibel, and Donald McCown ; Remembrance : dialogue and inquiry in the MBSR classroom / Saki F. Santorelli ; Interpersonal practices : a transformational force in the MBIs / Florence Meleo-Meyer ; Scientific literacy as a foundational competency for teachers of mindfulness-based interventions / Willoughby B. Britton ; Training mindfulness teachers : principles, practices and challenges / Rebecca S. Crane and Barbara ReidPart II: Teaching MBI curricula everywhere : global cultural situations. Teaching MBSR in Korea with a special reference to cultural differences / Heyoung Ahn ; Teaching in Italy / Antonella Commellato and Fabio Giommi ; Teaching in Israel / Diane (Dina) Wyshogrod ; Teaching in Australia / Timothea Goddard and Maura A. Kenny ; Teaching in South Africa / Simon Whitesman and Linda Sara Kantor ; Teaching mindfulness with mindfulness of race and other forms of diversity / Rhonda V. Magee Part III: Teaching MBI curricula to everyone : special populations Teaching inner city in populations in the USA / Beth Robins Roth ; Teaching frail elders and caregivers / Lucia McBee ; Teaching individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities / Nirbhay N. Singh and Monica Moore Jackman ; Teaching individuals in chronic pain / Lone Overby Fjorback and Else-Marie D. Elmholdt Jegindø ; Teaching individuals with anxiety and depression / Susan L. Woods ; Teaching individuals with traumatic stress / Trish Magyari ; Teaching individuals mindful eating / Jean L. Kristeller and Andrea E. Lieberstein ; Teaching individuals with life-limiting illness / Susan Bauer-Wu ; Teaching health care professionals / Michael S. Krasner ; Teaching clergy and religious / Donald R. Marks and Christine D. MoriconiPart IV: Scripts and practices. Practices for the classroom ; Practices for teacher development.
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Cognitive therapy
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Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy -- Study and teaching.