Introduction : freedom and history in Hegel's Philosophy of right / David James -- The method of the Philosophy of right / Frederick Neuhouser -- Property, use and value in Hegel's Philosophy of right / Stephen Houlgate -- Hegel on morality / Allen W. Wood -- Hegelian conscience as reflective equilibrium and the organic justification of sittlichkeit / Dean Moyar -- Living the contradictions : wives, husbands and children in Hegel's elements of the Philosophy of right / Kimberly Hutchings -- "The ethicality in civil society" : bifurcation, bildung and Hegel's supersession of the aporias of social modernity / Andrew Buchwalter -- Why ethical life is fragile : rights, markets and states in Hegel's Philosophy of right / Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch -- That which makes itself : Hegel, rabble and consequences / Frank Ruda -- Practical necessity and the "logic" of civil society / David James -- How modern is the Hegelian state? / Ludwig Siep.
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich,1770-1831., Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts.
هگل، گئورگ ویلهلم فریدریش، ۱۷۷۰ - ۱۸۳۱م.,عناصر فلسفه حق