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1. The penal law and the law of pardon / Immanuel Kant - 2. Wrong [Das Unrecht] / G.W.F. Hegel - 3. An introduction to the principles of morals and legislation / Jeremy Bentham - 4. Principles of a rational penal code / Sheldon Glueck - 5. The humanitarian theory of punishment / C.S. Lewis - 6. Legal values and the rehabilitative ideal / Francis Allen - 7. The expressive function of punishment / Joel Feinberg - 8. Marxism and retribution / Jeffrie G. Murphy - 9. A paternalistic theory of punishment / Herbert Morris - 10. Punishment and the rule of law / T.M. Scanlon - 11. Penance, punishment, and the limits of community / R.A. Duff - 12. Prolegomenon to the principles of punishment / H.L.A. Hart - 13. Proportionate sentences : a desert perspective/ Andrew von Hirsch - 14. Proportionality, parsimony, and interchangeability of punishments / Michael Tonry - 15. Sentencing and punishment in Finland : the decline of the repressive ideal / Tapio Lappi-Seppealea - 16. Limiting retributivism / Richard S. Frase - 17. Excessive relative to what? Defining constitutional proportionality principles / Richard S. Frase 18. Morality and the retributive emotions / J.L. Mackie - 19. The role of moral philosophers in the competition between deontological and empirical desert / Paul H. Robinson - 20. For the law, neuroscience changes nothing and everything / Joshua Greene and Jonathan Cohen - 21. Restoration in youth justice / Lode Walgrave - 22. In search of restorative jurisprudence / John Braithwaite - 23. The virtues of restorative processes, the vices of "restorative justice" / Paul H. Robinson - 24. Restorative punishment and punitive restoration / R.A. Duff - 25. From slavery to mass incarceration : rethinking the "race question" in the US / Loeic Wacquant - 26. Labor market and penal sanction : thoughts on the sociology of criminal justice / Georg Rusche - 27. Rules for the distinction of the normal from the pathological / Emile Durkheim - 28. Discipline and punish : the birth of the prison / Michel Foucault