Papers from the eighth conference of Global perspectives on evil and human wickedness, Salzburg, March 2007; and from the conference Cultures of violence, Oxford, 2004.
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Includes bibliographical references.
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Series: At the interface/probing the boundaries ; v. 63
Text of Note
Preface / Nancy Billias -- Part I. Linguistic frameworks for evil. Little white lies : 9/11 and the recasting of evil through metaphor / Phil Fitzsimmons -- The phenomenology of domestic violence : an insiderبs look / Dalit Yassour-Borochowitz and Eli Buchbinder -- Side effects of the linguistic construction of othersب wickedness / Encarnacion Hidalgo Tenorio -- Part II. Literary frameworks for evil. Falling under an evil influence / Jeffrey Wallen -- The banality of violence : from Kafka's The castle to Auster's The music of chance / Ilana Shiloh -- Deconstructing masculine evil in Angela Carter's The bloody chamber stories / Aytul Ozum -- Sacred and (sub )human pain : witnessing bodies in early modem hagiography and contemporary spectatorship of atrocity / Sophie Oliver -- Overturning Adorno : poetry as a rational response to evil / Nancy Billias -- Part III. Evil in a cinematic framework. Twelve pages of madness : developments in cinemaبs narration of insanity / Peter Remington ب --Based on the true story' : cinema's mythologised vision of the Rwandan genocide / Ann-Marie Cook -- 'We have no trouble here' : considering Nazi motifs in The sound of music and Cabaret / David E. Isaacs -- Sympathy for the devil : the hero is a terrorist in V for Vendetta / Margarita Carretero-Gonzalez -- 'Be not overcome by evil but overcome evil with good' : the theology of evil in Man on fire / Paul Davies -- Remediation, analogue corruption, and the signification of evil in digital games / Ewan Kirkland -- Part IV. Evil in historical/political frameworks. Akhenaten, 'the Damned One' : monotheism as the root of all evil / Robert W. Butler -- Are witches good - and devils evil? Some remarks on the conception of evil in the works of Paracelsus / Peter Mario Kreuter -- Can I play with madness? The psychopathy of evil, leadership, and political mis-management / Frank J. Faulkner -- The rhetoric of evil : how failure is turned to oneبs own advantage / Joshua Mills-Knutsen
Good and evil - Congresses
Violence - Congresses
خیر و شر - کنگرهها
خشونت در خانواده - کنگرهها
Subject Term
Global Conference on Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness (8th : 2007 : Salzburg, Austria)