The man of letters as a man of business.--Worries of a winter walk.--Confessions of a summer colonist.--The editor's relations with the young contributor.--Summer isles of Eden.--Wild flowers of the asphalt.--Last days in a Dutch hotel.--Some anomalies of the short story.--A circus in the suburbs.--A she Hamlet.--Spanish prisoners of war.--The midnight platoon.--The beach at Rockaway.--American literary centres.--Sawdust in the arena.--At a dime museum.--American literature in exile.--The horse show.--The problem of the summer.--Aesthetic New York fifty-odd years ago.--From New York into New England.--The standard household-effect company.--Staccato notes of a vanished summer.--The art of the adsmith.--The psychology of plagiarism.--Puritanism in American fiction.--The what and the how of it.--Politics of American authors.--Storage.--"Floating down the river on the O-hi-o."
Bacheller, Irving, - 1859-1950 - Library - Personal copy