Series: Blackwell studies in global archaeology ; 5
Text of Note
Alternative histories and North American archaeology / Timothy R. Pauketat and Diana DiPaolo Loren -- The peopling of North America / J.M. Adovasio and David Pedler -- Tempo and scale in the evolution of social complexity in western North America : four case studies / Kenneth M. Ames -- Structure and practice in the archaic Southeast / Kenneth E. Sassaman -- The enigmatic Hopewell of the eastern woodlands / William S. Dancey -- Farming and social complexity in the Northeast / Elizabeth Chilton -- The evolution of the Plains village tradition / Dale R. Henning -- The forgotten history of the Mississippians / Timothy R. Pauketat -- Beyond the mold : questions of inequality in Southwest villages / Michelle Hegmon -- Chaco and Paquime╠۱ : complexity, history, landscape / Stephen H. Lekson -- Social and physical landscapes of contact / Stephen W. Silliman -- Creolization in French and Spanish colonies / Diana DiPaolo Loren -- Before the Revolution : archaeology and the African diaspora on the Atlantic seaboard / Theresa A. Singleton -- Representing and repatriating the past / Joe Watkins -- Labor and class in the American West / Dean J. Saitta.