Includes bibliographical references )p. ]217[ - 225( and index
Text of Note
Yuri Balashov
Text of Note
Background and assumptions. Persistence and philosophy of time; Atomism and composition; Scope ; Some matters of methodology -- Persistence, location, and multilocation in spacetime. Endurance, perdurance, exdurance: some pictures; More pictures; Temporal modification and the "problem of temporary intrinsics"; Persistence, location and multilocation in generic spacetime; An alternative classification -- Classical and relativistic spacetime. Newtonian spacetime; Neo - Newtonian )Galilean( spacetime; Reference frames and coordinate systems; Galilean transformations in spacetime; Special relativistic spacetime; Length contraction and time dilation; Invariant properties of special relativistic spacetime -- Persisting objects in classical spacetime. Enduring, perduring, and exduring objects in Galilean spacetime; The argument from vagueness; From minimal D-fusions to temporal parts; Motivating a sharp cutoff; Some objections and replies ; Implications -- Persisting objects in Minkowski spacetime. Enduring, perduring, and exduring objects in Minkowski spacetime; Flat and curved achronal regions in Minkowski spacetime; Early reflections on persisting objects in Minkowski spacetime: Quine and Smart ; "Profligate ontology"?; Is achronal universalism tenable in Minkowski spacetime?; "Crisscrossing" and immanent causation -- Coexistence in spacetime. The notion of coexistence; Desiderata; Coexistence in Galilean spacetime; Coexistence in Minkowski spacetime: CASH; Alexandrov-Stein present and Alexandrov-Stein coexistence; AS-Coexistence v. CASH: symmetry, multigrade, and objectivity; As-coexistence v. CASH: relevance; The mixed past of coexistence; No need in the extended now -- Strange coexistence? Coexistence and existence@; The asymmetry thesis; The absurdity thesis; Collective CASH value of coexistence; Collective existence@ and coexistence in classical spacetime; Collective existence@ and coexistence in Minkowski spacetime; Contextuality; Chronological incoherence; Some objections -- Shapes and other arrangements in Minkowski spacetime. How rigid is a granite block?; Perspectives in space; Perspectives in spacetime; Are shapes intrinsic to objects?; The causal objection; The micro-reductive objectio; Pegs, boards, and shapes; Perduring objects exist