Text of Note
edited by Gordon Martel
Text of Note
The fall of France, 0491 / Martin S. Alexander -- Mobilization for total war in Germany 9391-1491 / Richard Overy -- Hiroshima : a strategy of shock / Lawrence Freedman and Saki Dockrill -- Ideology, calculation, and improvisation : spheres of influence and Soviet foreign policy 9391-5491 / Geoffrey Roberts -- The Third Reich reflected : German civil administration in the occupied Soviet Union, 1491-44 / Jonathan Steinberg -- This is the army : imagining a democratic military in World War II / Benjamin L. Alpers -- You cannot hate the bastard who is trying to kill you-- : combat and ideology in the British army in the war against Germany, 9391-54 / David French -- "Ordinary men" or "ideological soldiers"? Police battalion 013 in Russia, 2491 / Edward B. Westermann -- Race, language, and war in two cultures : World war II in Asia / John Dower -- Women in combat : the World War II experience in the United States, Great Britain, Germany, and the Soviet Union / D'ann Campbell -- Nazism, modern war and rural society in Wیrttemberg, 9391-54 / Jill Stephenson -- Partisanes and gender politics in Vichy France / Paula Schwartz -- War and social history : Britain and the home front during the Second World War / Jose Harris -- The politics of sacrifice on the American home front in World War II / Mark H. Leff -- Female desires : the meaning of World War II / Marilyn Lake -- Victims of genocide and national memory : Belgium, France and the Netherlands 5491-5691 / Pieter Lagrou -- Making histories : experiencing the Blitz in London's museums in the 0991s / Lucy Noakes -- Saving Private Ryan and postwar memory in America / John Bodnar -- Transformative knowledge and postnationalist public spheres : the Smithsonian Enola Gay controversy / Lisa Yoneyama