Text of Note
edited by George Ritzer
Text of Note
Globalization in hard times : contention in the academy and beyond / Anthony Mcgrew -- What is globalization? / Roland Robertson and Kathleen E. White -- The cultural construction of neoliberal globalization : "Honey--I think the world is flat" / Robert J. Antonio -- Globalization : the major players / George M. Thomas -- Globalization today / John Boli and Velina Petrova -- Theories of globalization / William I. Robinson -- Studying globalization : methodological issues / Salvatore Babones -- Cosmopolitanism : a critical theory for the 12st century / Ulrich Beck -- The end of globalization? : the implications of migration for state, society and economy / Subrahjit Guhathakurta, David Jacobson and Nicholas C. DelSordi -- Globalization and the agrarian world / Philip McMichael -- Globalization and the environment / Steve Yearley -- Cities and globalization / Michael Timberlake and Xiulian Ma -- The sociology of global organizations / Stewart Clegg and Chris Carter -- Economic globalization : corporations / Peter Dicken -- Outsourcing : globalization and beyond / George Ritzer and Craig Lair -- Globalization and consumer culture / Douglas J. Goodman -- Cultural globalization / John Tomlinson -- Globalization and ideology / Manfred B. Steger -- Media and globalization / Douglas Kellner and Clayton Pierce -- Globalization and information and communications technologies : the case of war / Howard Tumber and Frank Webster -- Political globalization / Gerard Delanty and Chris Rumford -- Globalisation and public policy / Tim Blackman -- Religion and globalization / Peter Beyer -- Globalization and higher education / Peter Manicas -- Sport and globalization / David Andrews and Andrew D. Grainger -- The fate of the local / Melissa L. Caldwell and Eriberto P. Lozada, Jr. -- Public health in a globalizing world : challenges and opportunities / Farnoosh Hashemian and Derek Yach -- Globalization and global inequalities : recent trends / Glenn Firebaugh and Brian Goesling -- World inequality in the twenty-first century : patterns and tendencies / Patricio Korzeniewicz and Timothy Moran -- Globalization of corruption / Carolyn Warner -- Globalization and sexuality / Kathryn Farr -- War in the era of economic globalization / Gerald Schneider -- Globalization and international terrorism / Gus Martin -- Resisting globalization / Richard Kahn and Douglas Kellner -- The futures of globalization / Bryan S. Turner