Text of Note
Roger Haight
Text of Note
Jesus research and faith in Jesus Christ -- The framework for this discussion -- Classical christological doctrines and the imagination -- Jesus research and the imagination -- Two views on Jesus research and Christian faith -- The impact of Jesus research on christology -- The logic of christology from below -- The situation of christology -- Characteristics of a christology from below -- The genesis of christology -- The structure of Christology -- Loci in christology -- Human freedom and a Christian understanding of salvation as liberation -- Framing the discussion -- Salvation as liberation of human freedom -- Notes for a constructive theology of the Cross -- Problems in some theologies of the Cross -- Preliminary considerations -- Notes for a constructive theology of the Cross -- Catholic pluralism on religious pluralism : Rahner and Schillebeeckx -- Life situation and context -- Method in theology -- Premises to their positions -- Christ and other religions -- Jesus and church mission -- Developments since Vatican II -- Jesus and mission -- Outline for an orthodox pluralist christology -- Basic considerations in the mode of a philosophy of religion -- The logic of christology -- Other religions from a Christian standpoint -- An Orthodox pluralist christology -- Two types of christology -- The witness of the New Testament to multiple christologies -- The Old Testament perspective for understanding the New Testament witness -- The scriptural meaning of Spirit and Word applied to Jesus -- The strengths of a Spirit and a Word christology -- The viability of a Spirit and a Word christology in the future -- The future of christology -- Three patterns of how development occurs -- Two areas of christological development : other religions and Jesus' divinity -- Epilogue : Jesus symbol of God : criticism and response -- A genetic method -- Representation of the Jesus material -- The Easter experience -- Pluralism of New Testament christologies -- The construct of a symbol -- Interpretation of Nicaea and Chalcedon -- The meaning of salvation -- Jesus Christ vis-vis other religions -- Christology proper -- God as Trinity -- Reviews of Jesus, symbol of God