Series: Methods in molecular biology )Clifton, N.J.( ;v. 1014.
Series Title
Series: Springer protocols )Series(.1949-2448
Text of Note
Molecular methods for the study of signal transduction in plants /Helen R. Irving and Chris Gehring --Recombinant expression and functional testing of candidate adenylate cyclase domains /Oziniel Ruzvidzo ... ]et al.[ --Quantification of cyclic dinucleotides by reversed-phase LC-MS/MS /Heike Burhenne and Volkhard Kaever --Determination of ADP-ribosyl cyclase activity, cyclic ADP-ribose, and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate in tissue extracts /Richard M. Graeff and Hon Cheung Lee --In vivo imaging of cGMP in plants /Jean-Charles Isner and Frans J.M. Maathuis --Characterization of heterologously expressed transporter genes by patch- and voltage-clamp methods : application to cyclic nucleotide-dependent responses /Fouad Lemtiri-Chlieh and Rashid Ali --Noninvasive microelectrode ion flux estimation technique )MIFE( for the study of the regulation of root membrane transport by cyclic nucleotides /Natalia Maria Ordoonez ... ]et al.[ --Calcium imaging of the cyclic nucleotide response /Martin R. McAinsh, Stephen K. Roberts, and Lyudmila V. Dubovskaya --Identification and quantitation of signal molecule-dependent protein phosphorylation /Arnoud Groen ... ]et al.[ --Comparative gel-based phosphoproteomics in tesponse to signaling molecules /Claudius Marondedze, Kathryn Lilley, and Ludivine Thomas --Affinity pull-down approach to identify the plant cyclic nucleotide interactome /Lara Donaldson and Stuart Meier --Structural and functional characterization of receptor kinases with nucleotide cyclase activity /Victor Muleya, Janet I. Wheeler, and Helen R. Irving --Computational identification of candidate nucleotide cyclases in higher plants /Aloysius Wong and Chris Gehring --Identification of cyclic nucleotide gated channels using regular expressions /Alice K. Zelman, Adam Dawe, and Gerald A. Berkowitz --Inferring biological functions of guanylyl cyclases with computational methods /May Alqurashi and Stuart Meier --Identification and characterization of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases /Erin B. Purcell and Rita Tamayo --Detection of reactive oxygen species downstream of cyclic nucleotide signals in plants /Robin K. Walker and Gerald A. Berkowitz --Measurement of nitric oxide in plant tissue using difluorofluorescein and oxyhemoglobin /Ndiko Ludidi --Infrared gas analysis technique for the study of the regulation of photosynthetic responses /Alex Valentine ... ]et al.[.
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Variant Title
methods and protocols
Entry Element
Cyclic nucleotides^aLaboratory manuals
Entry Element
Plant cellular signal transduction^aLaboratory manuals