edited by Malik Yousef, Dabburiya Village, Israel, Jens Allmer, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xii, 333 pages : illustrations )mostly black & white(
Series Title
Methods in molecular biology,1064-3745 ;1107
Series Title
Springer protocols
Series Title
Series: Methods in molecular biology )Clifton, N.J.( ;v. 1107.1064-3745
Series Title
Series: Springer protocols )Series(1949-2448
Text of Note
Introduction to microRNAs in biological systems /Ayse Elif Erson-Bensan --The role of microRNAs in biological processes /Kemal Uaegur Teufekci, Ralph Leo Johan Meuwissen, and uoSermin Genc --The role of microRNAs in human diseases /Kemal Uaegur Teufekci ]and three others[ --Introduction to bioinformatics /Tolga Can --MicroRNA and noncoding RNA-related data sources /Patrizio Arrigo --High-throughput approaches for MicroRNA expression analysis /Bala Geur Dedeoaeglu --Introduction to machine learning /Yalin Bastanlar and Mustafa eOzuysal --Introduction to statistical methods for microRNA analysis /Geokmen Zararsiz and Erdal Cosgun --Computational and bioinformatics methods for microRNA gene prediction /Jens Allmer --Machine learning methods for microRNA gene prediction /Meuserref Duygu Sacar and Jens Allmer --Functional, structural, and sequence studies of microRNA /Chanchal K. Mitra and Kalyani Korla --Computational methods for microRNA target prediction /Hamid Hamzeiy, Jens Allmer, and Malik Yousef --MicroRNA target and gene validation in viruses and bacteria /Debora Baroni and Patrizio Arrigo --Gene reporter assay to validate microRNA targets in Drosophila S2 cells /Beunyamin Akgeul and Caaegdas Geoktas --Computational prediction of microRNA function and activity /Hasan Oaegul --Analysis of microRNA expression using machine learning /Henry Wirth ]and three others[ --MicroRNA expression landscapes in stem cells, tissues, and cancer /Mehmet Volkan Cakir ]and three others[ --Master regulators of posttranscriptional gene expression are subject to regulation /Syed Muhammad Hamid and Beunyamin Akgeul --Use of microRNAs in personalized medicine /Ciaegir Biray Avci and Yusuf Baran.