edited by Anton Posch, Bio-Rad Laboratories GmbH, Munich, Germany
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xv, 501 pages : illustrations )some color(
Series Title
Methods in molecular biology,1064-3745 ;1295
Series Title
Springer protocols
Series Title
Series: Methods in molecular biology )Clifton, N.J.( ;1295.1064-3745
Series Title
Series: Springer protocols )Series(1949-2448
Text of Note
Mechanical/physical methods of cell distribution and tissue homogenization /Stanley Goldberg --Sample preservation through heat stabilization of proteins : principles and examples /Mats Boraen --Isolating peripheral lymphocytes by density gradient centrifugation and magnetic cell sorting /Frederic Brosseron, Katrin Marcus, and Caroline May --Investigating the adipose tissue secretome : a protocol to generate high-quality samples appropriate for comprehensive proteomic profiling /Simon Geoddeke, Jorg Kotzka, and Stefan Lehr --Methods for proteomics-based analysis of the human muscle secretome using an in vitro exercise model /Mika Scheler ... ]et al.[ --Urinary pellet sample preparation for shotgun proteomic analysis of microbial infection and host-pathogen interactions /Yanbao Yu and Rembert Pieper --Protocol for the parallel isolation of intact mitochondria from rat liver, kidney, heart, and brain /Sabine Schulz ... ]et al.[ --Isolation of mitochondria from cultured cells and liver tissue biopsies for molecular and biochemical analyses /Sabine Schmitt ... ]et al.[ --Dynamic range compression with ProteoMiner : principles and examples /Lei Li --Qualitative and quantitative proteomic analysis of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded )FFPE( tissue /Omid Azimzadeh, Michael J. Atkinson, and Soile Tapio --Full-length protein extraction protocols and gel-based downstream applications in formalin-fixed tissue proteomics /Alessandro Tanca, Sergio Uzzau, and Maria Filippa Addis --Enrichment of low-abundant protein targets by immunoprecipitation upstream of mass spectrometry /Barbara Kaboord ... ]et al.[ --Principles of protein labeling techniques /Christian Obermaier, Anja Griebel, and Reiner Westermeier --Isolation of extracellular vesicles for proteomic profiling /Dong-Sic Choi and Yong Song Gho --Protocol for exosome isolation and characterization : evaluation of ultracentrifugation, density-gradient separation, and immunoaffinity capture methods /David W. Greening ... ]et al.[ --Chloroplast isolation and affinity chromatography for enrichment of low-abundant proteins in complex proteomes /Roman G. Bayer, Simon Stael, and Markus Teige --Depletion of RuBisCO protein using the protamine sulfate precipitation method /Ravi Gupta and Sun Tae Kim --Step-by-step preparation of proteins for mass spectrometric analysis /Thomas Franz and Xinping Li --Identification of protein N-Termini using TMPP or dimethyl labeling and mass spectrometry /Jingjing Deng ... ]et al.[ --Optimization of cell lysis and protein digestion protocols for protein analysis by LC-MS/MS /Dominic Winter, Alireza Dehghani, and Hanno Steen --Comprehensive protocol to simultaneously study protein phosphorylation, acetylation, and n-linked sialylated glycosylation /Marcella Nunes Melo-Braga ... ]et al.[ --Protein profiling and phosphoprotein analysis by isoelectric focusing /Giuseppina Maccarrone and Michaela D. Filiou --Principles and examples of gel-based approaches for phosphoprotein analysis /Birgit Steinberger and Corina Mayrhofer --Neutral phosphate-affinity SDS-PAGE system for profiling of protein phosphorylation /Emiko Kinoshita-Kikuta, Eiji Kinoshita, and Tohru Koike --Enrichment and identification of bacterial glycopeptides by mass spectrometry /Nichollas E. Scott and Stuart J. Cordwell --In-gel peptide IEF sample preparation for LC/MS analysis /Tom Berkelman, Sricharan Bandhakavi, and Aran Paulus --Western blotting using in-gel protein labeling as a normalization control : stain-free technology /Jennifer E. Gilda and Aldrin V. Gomes --2-D western blotting for evaluation of antibodies developed for detection of host cell protein /Tom Berkelman, Adriana Harbers, and Sricharan Bandhakavi --Free llow electrophoresis for separation of native membrane protein complexes /Lutz Andreas Eichacker ... ]et al.[ --Three-dimensional electrophoresis for quantitative profiling of complex proteomes /Sergio Mauro ... ]et al.[ --Bead-based multiplex sandwich immunoassay to assess the abundance and posttranslational modification state of ]beta[-catenin /Nicola Groll ... ]et al.[ --Identification of SUMO E3 ligase-specific substrates using the huprot human proteome microarray /Eric Cox ... ]et al.[ --Amyloid-binding proteins : affinity-based separation, proteomic identification, and optical biosensor validation /Alexei Medvedev ... ]et al.[ --Proteomic profiling by nanomaterials-based matrix- assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry for high-resolution data and novel protein information directly from biological samples /Suresh Kumar Kailasa and Hui-Fen Wu.