Series: Methods in molecular biology )Clifton, N.J.( ;v. 1147.1064-3745
Series Title
Series: Springer protocols )Series(1949-2448
Text of Note
Methods for dynamic investigations of surface-attached in vitro bacterial and fungal biofilms /Claus Sternberg, Thomas Bjarnsholt, and Mark Shirtliff --Aqueous two-phase system technology for patterning bacterial communities and biofilms /Mohammed Dwidar, Shuichi Takayama, and Robert J. Mitchell --Quorum sensing in gram-positive bacteria : assay protocols for Staphylococcal agr and Enterococcal fsr systems /Akane Shojima and Jiro Nakayama --Advanced techniques for in situ analysis of the biofilm matrix )structure, composition, dynamics( by means of laser scanning microscopy /Thomas R. Neu and John R. Lawrence --Multiplex fluorescence in situ hybridization )M-FISH( and confocal laser scanning microscopy )CLSM( to analyze multispecies oral biofilms /Lamprini Karygianni, Elmar Hellwig, and Ali Al-Ahmad --Field emission scanning electron microscopy of biofilm-growing bacteria Involved in nosocomial infections /Claudia Vuotto and Gianfranco Donelli --Experimental approaches to investigating the vaginal biofilm microbiome /Marc M. Baum, Manjula Gunawardana, and Paul Webster --Imaging bacteria and biofilms on hardware and periprosthetic tissue in orthopedic infections /Laura Nistico, Luanne Hall-Stoodley, and Paul Stoodley --Animal models to evaluate bacterial biofilm development /Kim Thomsen, Hannah Tr▓strup, and Claus Moser --Animal models to investigate fungal biofilm formation /Jyotsna Chandra, Eric Pearlman, and Mahmoud A. Ghannoum --Nonmammalian model systems to investigate fungal biofilms /Marios Arvanitis ... ]et al.[ --Microbiological methods for target-oriented screening of biofilm inhibitors /Livia Leoni and Paolo Landini --In vitro screening of antifungal compounds able to counteract biofilm development /Marion Girardot and Christine Imbert --Biofilm matrix-degrading enzymes /Jeffrey B. Kaplan --Efficacy evaluation of antimicrobial drug-releasing polymer matrices /Iolanda Francolini, Antonella Piozzi, and Gianfranco Donelli --Antibiotic polymeric nanoparticles for biofilm-associated infection therapy /Wean Sin Cheow and Kunn Hadinoto --Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antibiotics in biofilm infections of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in vitro and in vivo /Wang Hengzhuang, Niels H▓iby, and Oana Ciofu --Contribution of confocal laser scanning microscopy in deciphering biofilm tridimensional structure and reactivity /Arnaud Bridier and Romain Briandet --Chip calorimetry for evaluation of biofilm treatment with biocides, antibiotics, and biological agents /Frida Mariana Morais, Friederike Buchholz, and Thomas Maskow --Bacteriophage attack as an anti-biofilm strategy /Sanna Sillankorva and Joana Azeredo --Photodynamic therapy as a novel antimicrobial strategy against biofilm-based nosocomial infections : study protocols /Francesco Giuliani --Capturing air-water interface biofilms for microscopy and molecular analysis /Margaret C. Henk --Biofilm-growing bacteria involved in the corrosion of concrete wastewater pipes : protocols for comparative metagenomic analyses/Vicente Gomez-Alvarez --Culture-independent methods to study subaerial biofilm growing on biodeteriorated surfaces of stone cultural heritage and frescoes /Francesca Cappitelli, Federica Villa, and Andrea Polo --Biofilms of thermophilic bacilli isolated from dairy processing plants and efficacy of sanitizers /Sara A. Burgess, Denise Lindsay, and Steve H. Flint.
Text of Note
"The discovery that most of the chronic infections in humans, including the oral, lung, vaginal and foreign body-associated infections, are biofilm-based, has prompted the need to design new and properly focused preventive and therapeutic strategies for these diseases. Microbial Biofilms: Methods and Protocols provides a detailed description of the currently available methods and protocols to investigate bacterial and fungal biofilms, exhaustively illustrated and critically annotated in 25 chapters written by authors well known for their experience in the respective fields. The book has joined together microbiologists and specialists in infectious diseases, hygiene and public health involved in exploring different aspects of microbial biofilms as well as in designing new methods and/or developing innovative laboratory protocols. Written in the successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and easily accessible, Microbial Biofilms: Methods and Protocols presents readers with the most established and validated experimental procedures to investigate microbial biofilms"--P. ]4[ of cover.