مقارنه و تطبیق وحدت وجود از دیدگاه ابن عربی و مکتب ادوتیه و دانته ی شنکره
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پایگاه اطلاع رسانی حوزه
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
Doubtlessly Mohyeddin Ibn Arabi is the most important the theoretical mystic and the Founder of the School of existential monism in the realm of Islamic mysticism, as sankaracarya is the most important mystic of Brahmanism and the founder of the school of Advaita Vedanta. The similarities between the view Points of these two eminent mystics and sages, each of which belong to completely different religions, cultural intellectual, geographical and ethnic atmosphere and have great and identical influence over the mystic thouht of their successors, have great and identical influence over the present thesis. together with investigating and explaining the ideas and thoughts of these divers of the meaning ocean about ontology, cosmology and anthropology, according to similar relations and comparable function involved in the two systems.and in order to reach to a deep and complete cognition in the two schools which makes them eventually to be similar in their essence, tries to compare the following fundamental siscussions: A- The comparison of the concept of undeterminable Essence in Ibn Arabi,s mysticism with the concept of Nirguna Brahman in Sankara,s School regarding thier very close affinities and similarities, especially when the two compared systems are called "existence and their structures are founded by this pivotal and fundamental concept. The existence which represents itself onlyu in front of a transcendental and a deep understanding and is beyond the one which is refleced in our experiential knowledge. B- The discussion of the names and attributed of God or in other words the comparison of the unity of God (vahediyate - elahi) in Ibn Arabi's mysticism with saguna brahman in the cult of Sankara which expresses the transition from unity to plurality and the cause of bounded ness and distinction, the manifest and unmanifest of the truth and the varieties in the world This discussion has been very valuable. since it has a firm connection with some important aspects of ontology and cosmology in Ibn Arabi's School. c- The comparison of the existential manifestations of the Truth, that is the five manifestations (Hazarate Khams) with the four states of Atman, as a result of which the absolute. abstract, simple and pure existence reduces His rank at the same time that He is pure and absolute and comes out from His hiding place and passing through unity to plurality in the ranks of the infra-existence which begins from the most delicate rank, that is the wisdom and ends to the present corporal world He manifests Himself ad an all of the elements of being from the highest to the lowest. D- The investigation, explanation and comparison of the mysterious, surprising, paradoxical and logic evading concept of existential monism and proving a fixed essence and single reality at the back of the passing manifestations of a fanciful and phenomenal world, Which is no more than a dream and a fancy and the shade and the second function of a squint eye with the use pf tje ;pgoc pf tje dovome vosopm amd tje ;amgiage pf a;;egpru amd so,o;e wjocj accprdomg tp Obm Arabo os omter[reted amd explained onn the basis of the manifestation of the names and attributes of God, due to the talent and potentialities of archetypes (a' yane- sabete) and in sankara's School on the basis of the principle of cosmic illusion and man's ignorance