Text of Note
Ancient Biblical Satire / Thomas Jemielity -- Defining the Art of Blame: Classical Satire / Catherine Keane -- Medieval Satire / Laura Kendrick -- Rabelais and French Renaissance Satire / Edwin M. Duval -- Satire of the Spanish Golden Age / Alberta Gatti -- Verse Satire in the English Renaissance / Ejner J. Jensen -- Renaissance Prose Satire: Italy and England / W. Scott Blanchard -- Satire in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-century France / Russell Goulbourne -- Dramatic Satire in the Restoration and Eighteenth Century / Jean I. Marsden -- Dryden and Restoration Satire / Dustin Griffin -- Jonathan Swift / Frank Boyle -- Pope and Augustan Verse Satire / Ruben Quintero -- Satiric Spirits of the Later Eighteenth Century: Johnson to Crabbe / James Engell -- Restoration and Eighteenth-century Satiric Fiction / Joseph F. Bartolomeo -- Gendering Satire: Behn to Burney / Claudia Thomas Kairoff -- Pictorial Satire: From Emblem to Expression / Ronald Paulson -- The Hidden Agenda of Romantic Satire: Carlyle and Heine / Peter Brier -- Nineteenth-century Satiric Poetry / Steven E. Jones -- Narrative Satire in the Nineteenth Century / Frank Palmeri -- American Satire: Beginnings through Mark Twain / Linda A. Morris -- Twentieth-century Fictional Satire / Valentine Cunningham -- Verse Satire in the Twentieth Century / Timothy Steele -- Satire in Modern and Contemporary Theater / Christopher J. Herr -- Irish Satire / Jose Lanters -- Modes of Mockery: The Significance of Mock-poetic Forms in the Enlightenment / Blanford Parker -- Irony and Satire / Zoja Pavlovskis-Petit -- Mock-biblical Satire from Medieval to Modern / Michael F. Suarez -- The Satiric Character Sketch / David F. Venturo -- The Secret Life of Satire / Melinda Alliker Rabb