Chapter 1: Consumption and Well-Being, An Introduction / Miriam Tatzel -- PART I: Money and Consumption for Well-Being -- Chapter 2: Money for Happiness: The Hedonic Benefits of Thrift / Joseph Chancellor and Sonja Lyubomirsky -- Chapter 3: Getting the Most for the Money: The Hedonic Return on Experiential and Material Purchases / Travis J. Carter and Thomas Gilovich -- Chapter 4: Loneliness, Material Possession Love and Consumers' Physical Well-Being / John L. Lastovicka and Laurel Anderson -- PART II: Individual and Cultural Variations -- Chapter 5: Value Seekers, Big Spenders, Non-Spenders and Experiencers: Consumption, Personality and Well-Being / Miriam Tatzel -- Chapter 6: Money, Materialism and the Good Life: Cultural Perspectives / Christie Napa Scollon and Derrick Wirtz -- PART III: Consumption and Sustainable Well-Being -- Chapter 7: Happy Planet, Happy Economy, Happy Consumers / Charles Seaford -- Chapter 8: Measuring What Matters / Eric Zencey -- Conclusion -- Chapter 9: Confessions of a Closet Materialist: Lessons Learned about Money, Possessions and Happiness / Miriam Tatzel