Schutzian phenomenology and hermeneutic traditions
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
1 online resource )vi, 281 pages( : illustrations
Series Title
Contributions to Phenomenology,3290-5459 ;v.86
Text of Note
Includes index
Text of Note
INTRODUCTORY ESSAY.- Reflections on the Relationship of Social Phenomenology and Hermeneutics in Alfred Schutz: An Introduction, M. STAUDIGL.- I. SCHUTZIAN PHENOMENOLOGY AND HERMENEUTIC TRADITIONS.- The Lifeworld Analysis of Alfred Schutz and the Methodology of the Social Sciences, T. EBERLE.- Understanding Sociologies and Tradition)s( of Hermeneutics, M. ENDRESS.- Alfred Schutz and a Hermeneutical Sociology of Knowledge, H. NASU.- The Interpretationism of Alfred Schutz or How Woodcutting can have Referential and Non-Referential Meaning, L. EMBREE -- II. THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL REASSESSMENTS.- Pragmatic theory of the life-world and hermeneutics of the social sciences, I. SRUBAR.- Media Structures of the Life-World, R. AYASS.- The Musical Foundations of Alfred Schutz Hermeneutics of the Social World, A. G. STASCHEIT.- III. EXPLORATIONS OF THE PRACTICAL WORLD.- Scientific Practice and the World of Working: Beyond Schutz s Wirkwelt, D. BISCHUR.- Hermeneutics of Transcendence: Understanding and Communication at the Limits of Experience, A. HILT -- Alfred Schutz's Practical-Hermeneutical Approach to Law and Normativity, I. COPOERU.- Everyday Morality. Questions with and for Alfred Schutz, B. WALDENFELS .- IV. INVESTIGATIONS INTO MULTIPLE REALITIES.- Goffman and Schutz on multiple realities, G. PSATHAS.- Literature and the Limits of Pragmatism: Alfred Schutz s Goethe Manuscripts, M. D. BARBER.- Life-World Analysis and Literary Interpretation. On the Reconstruction of Symbolic Reality Spheres, J. DREHER.- Image Worlds. Aesthetic Experience and the Problem of Hermeneutics in the Social Sciences, D. T NZLER