From the Vienna Circle to the Institute Vienna Circle: On the Viennese Legacy in Contemporary Philosophy of Science; Friedrich Stadler -- I -- A Matter of Substance? Gaston Bachelard on Chemistry s Philosophical Lessons; Cristina Chimisso -- Carnap s Aufbau and Physicalism: What Does the Mutual Reducibility of Psychological and Physical Objects Amount to?; Thomas Uebel -- On the Relationship between Neuroscience and Philosophy: the Case of Sleep and Dreaming; Claude Debru -- Metaphysics in the Thirties: And Why Should Anyone Care Now? Richard Creath -- II -- Probabilistic Epistemology: A European Tradition; Maria Carla Galavotti -- Reductionism today; Michael Esfeld -- Betting Interpretation and the Problem of Interference; Wlodek Rabinowicz and Lina Eriksson -- III.- Mathematics and Experience; Ladislav Kvasz -- Gd el and Carnap. Platonism versus Conventionalism?; Eckehart Khler -- What is the Status of the Hardy-Weinberg Law within Population Genetics?; Pablo Lorenzano -- IV -- Kazimierz Twardowski and the Development of Philosophy of Science in Poland; Jan Wole ski -- V -- Vienna Circle on Determinism; Tomasz Placek -- Infinite Idealizations; John D. Norton -- VI -- Political Polyphony. Otto Neurath and Politics Reconsidered; G nther Sandner -- Kelsen s Legal Positivism and the Challenge of Nazi Law; Herlinde Pauer-Studer -- VII -- Biased Coins. A Model for Higherorder Probabilities; Jeanne Peijnenburg AND David Atkinson -- Is Logical Empiricism Compatible with Scientific Realism?; Matthias Neuber -- VIII -- Does the Unity of Science have a Future?; Jan Faye -- Is There a European Philosophy Science? A Wake-up call; Gereon Wolters -- General Part.-Report/Documentation -- Vienna Circle Historiographies; Veronika Hofer and Michael Stl tzner -- 81th Vienna Circle Lecture / 81. Wiener Kreis Vorlesung -- Husserl and Gd el on Mathematical Objects and our Access to them; Dagfinn F llesdal, Review Essay -- Logical Empiricism in Historical Perspective. Recent Works on Moritz Schlick; Massimo Ferrari -- Reviews -- After Postmodernism. A Naturalistic Reconstruction of the Humanities, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2102. )Thomas Uebel( -- Jan Faye -- The Tyranny of Science. Edited by Eric Oberheim. Cambridge: Polity Press 1102. )Daniel B. Kuby(; Paul Feyerabend Il valore della verit . Milano: Guerini e Associati, 1102. )Beatrice Collina(; Paolo Parrini -- Der Wiener Kreis in Ungarn / The Vienna Circle in Hungary. Verf fentlichungen des Instituts Wiener -- Kreis, Bd. 61. Wien: Springer 1102. )Radek Schuster(; Andrs Mt , Mikl s R dei and Friedrich Stadler )Eds.( -- Fritz Mauthner. Scepticisme linguistique et modernit . Une biographie intellectuelle. ditions Bartillat: Paris 2102. Jacques Le Rider, Fritz Mauthner. Le langage. Translation of Die Sprache from German and foreword by Jacques Le Rider, ditions Bartillat: Paris 2102. )Camilla Nielsen(; Jacques Le Rider -- Activities of the Institute Vienna Circle -- Index of Names -- Abstracts
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Philosophy History ، Science
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History ، Science - Europe
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، Philosophy
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، Philosophy of Science
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، History of Philosophy
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، Modern Philosophy
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Maria Carla Galavotti, Elisabeth Nemeth, Friedrich Stadler, editors