Previous ed. has main entry under Rahman, Shafiur.
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Text of Note
2nd ed.
Text of Note
Food properties: an overview -- Water activity measurement methods of foods -- Data and models of water activity. I: solutions and liquid foods -- Data and models of water activity. II: solid foods -- Freezing point: measurement, data, and prediction -- Prediction of ice content in frozen foods -- Glass transitions in foodstuffs and biomaterials: theory and measurements -- Glass transition data and models of foods -- Gelatinization of starch -- Crystallization: measurements, data, and prediction -- Sticky and collapse temperature: measurements, data, and predictions -- State diagrams of food -- Measurement of density, shrinkage, and porosity -- Data and models of density, shrinkage, and porosity -- Shape, volume, and surface area -- Specific heat and enthalpy of foods -- Thermal conductivity measurement of foods -- Thermal conductivity data of foods -- Thermal coductivity prediction of foods -- Thermal diffusivity of foods: measurement, data, and prediction -- Measurement of surface heat transfer coefficent -- Surface heat transfer coefficients with and without phase change -- Surface heat transfer coefficient in food processing -- Acoustic properties of foods.