MIP formats for analytical applications / Natalia Perez-Moral and Andrew G. Mayes -- Bioimprinting / Claudio Baggiani and Cristina Giovannoli -- The re-birth of molecular imprinting on silica / Naonobu Katada and Miki Niwa -- Chemical vapor deposition of silica overlayer using an organic molecule as template on metal oxide surface: application to molecular sieving sensor and adsorbent / Naonobu Katada and Miki Niwa -- Molecularly imprinted polymers for mass sensitive sensors: from cells to viruses and enzymes / Franz L. Dickert, Peter A. Lieberzeit, and Oliver Hayden -- A new generation of chemical sensors based on MIPS / Sergey Piletsky and Anthony Turner -- Molecularly imprinted membranes / Mathias Ulbricht --MIP formats for analytical applications / Natalia Perez-Moral and Andrew G. Mayes -- Bioimprinting / Claudio Baggiani and Cristina Giovannoli -- The re-birth of molecular imprinting on silica / Naonobu Katada and Miki Niwa -- Chemical vapor deposition of silica overlayer using an organic molecule as template on metal oxide surface: application to molecular sieving sensor and adsorbent / Naonobu Katada and Miki Niwa -- Molecularly imprinted polymers for mass sensitive sensors: from cells to viruses and enzymes / Franz L. Dickert, Peter A. Lieberzeit, and Oliver Hayden -- A new generation of chemical sensors based on MIPS / Sergey Piletsky and Anthony Turner -- Molecularly imprinted membranes / Mathias Ulbricht --