What's in a name? -- IP addresses -- Domain names -- Search engines -- First impressions last -- How the human brain works -- Whole-brain branding -- The good, the bad, and the largely indifferent -- Who has the prettiest child? -- Say what you mean and mean what you say -- About us -- Products and services -- Contact us -- FAQs -- News and investor relations -- Search engines and site maps -- It's a small world after all -- The hypothetical Pie Co. -- Brand positioning -- Segmentation -- Okay, you built it; that doesn't mean they're coming -- Online clubs and memberships -- The online community -- Playing games -- Offline/online vouchers -- Competitions -- Other stuff -- Functionality now and for the future -- Java, Flash, and techie stuff -- Functionality -- The luxury brand debate -- Online shopping -- The winds of change -- Conclusions -- It's all in the best possible taste -- Corporate philanthropy and the Web -- Charity begins at home -- The giving mall -- The Web's contribution -- The emotionally intelligent Web site -- What is emotional intelligence? -- EI and the branded Web site -- The Web site emotional intelligence model -- The emotional impact of a branded Web site -- The evolution of a branded Web site -- Epilogue -- Glossary -- Index.