Protection of built environment against earthquakes
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Dordrecht ;New York
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Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xiv, 338 p. , ill. )some col.( , 24 cm.
Text of Note
Includes bibliographic references and index.
Text of Note
Part I. Global earthquake model, seismic hazard and ground motions: Global earthquake model : community-based seismic risk assessment / Helen Crowley and Rui Pinho ; Frameworks for the consideration of ground motion and seismic response uncertainties in seismic performance assessment / Brendon A. Bradley ; Design earthquakes and conditional hazard / Iunio Iervolino ; Orientation dependence of earthquake ground motion and structural response / Damian N. Grant, Diego Padilla, and Paul D. Greening -- Part II. Seismic performance assessment, risk analysis and design of structures: Some thoughts on methods to compare the seismic performance of alternate structural designs / Dimitrios Vamvatsikos ; Static versus dynamic methods of analysis for estimating seismic performance / Michalis Fragiadakis, Dimitrios Vamvatsikos, and Mark Aschheim ; Seismic design modification factors for steel SMRFs for uniform collapse safety / Farzin Zareian, Dimitrios G. Lignos, and Helmut Krawinkler ; Tools and strategies for the performance-based seismic assessment of masonry buildings / Andrea Penna ; Explicit probabilistic seismic design of RC structures through an elastic proxy / Paolo Franchin and Paolo Emilo Pinto ; Structural optimization : an assessment approach of design procedures against earthquake hazard / Chara Ch. Mitropoulou, Mikos D. Lagaros, and Manolis Papadrakakis ; Simplified estimation of seismic risk for buildings with consideration of structural ageing / Daniel Celarec, Dimitrios Vamvatsikos, and Matjaez Dolesek ; A toolbox and web application for the seismic performance assessment of buildings / Matjaez Dolesek ... ]et al.[ ; Recent advances in the seismic analysis and design of RC bridges in Slovenia / Tarjana Isakoviac and Matej Fischinger ; A multi-platform simulation alternative for the performance-based design of interactive soil-bridge systems / Anastasios G. Sextos ; The role of probabilistic methods in evaluating the seismic risk of concrete dams / Alessio Lupoi and Carlo Callari.