Issued, 1942 and 1970, by Subject Cataloging Division, Library of Congress under title: Outline of the Library of Congress classification; 3rd ed. issued in 1975 under title: LC classification outline
Text of Note
class A: General Works )3791(.- class B-Bj: Philosophy Psychology )9891( .- class BL,BM-BP,BQ:Religion Religions, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism )4891(.- class BR-BV: Reliqion: Christianity, Bible )7891(.-Class BX:Reliqion: Christiana Denominations )5891(.- class c: Auxiliary Sciences of History )3991(.- Class D-DJ: History )General( History of Europel Part1 )0991(.-class DL-DR: History of Europ, part 2 )0991(.-class DJK-DK: Historyof Eastern Europe )General(Soriet Union Doland )7891(.- class DS:History of Asia )7891(.- class DT-DX: History of Africa, Australia, New Zeuland ETC )9891( .- class E-F: Classification - History )8591(.- calss G :Geography Maps Anthropology Recreation )6791(.- class H-HJ: Social Sciences : Economics )1891(.- class HM-HN: Social Sciences: Sociology )0891( .- class J: Political Science )1991(.- class K: Law ]General[ )7791(.- class KDZ,KG-KH: Law of the Americas, Latin America and the West Lndics )4891(.- class K-KF: Classification Law )9691(.- class KC: Law of canada )6791( .- class KD: Law of the united Kinqdom and lreland 3791( .- class KK-kkc: Law of qermany )2891( .- class KJ-KKZ: Law of Europe )8891(.- Class kl-kwx:Law of Asia and Eurasin, Africa Pacific Area and Antarctica Vol: 2 )3991(.- class KJV-KJW : Law of France )5891( .-class KL-KWX Law of Asia and Eurasia / Africa / Pacific Area/ and Antarctica Vol:1 )3991(.- class L: Education )4891( .- Class P-PG: Classification Russian Litrature )8491(.- Class PB-PH: Classification Modern European Languages )6691( .- class P-PA: Classification Philology. Linguistics Classical Philology classical Literature )8691(.- class N: Finearts )0791( .- class M : Music and Books on Music )8791( .- class PT/Part2: Dutch and Scandinavian Literatures )PT/Part2( )2991( .- class D-DZ: Laquage and Literature Tables )2891(.- class PT: German Literature )9891( .- class PQ, Part1: French literature )2991( .- class P-PQ,part2 Italian/Spanish/and Partuguese Literaturese )7391(.- class P-PM: Index to languages and Dialects )1991(.- class PL-PM: Languages of Easternasia africa / oceania Hyderborean/ Indian and Artificial Languages )8891( .- class PY-PK: Oriental Philology and Literature/ Indo- Tranian Philology and Literaturt )8891( .- class S: Agriculture )2891( .- class R: Medicine )6891( .- class PN-PR,PS-PZ: Literature )General( English and American Literature Fiction in English Juvenile Belles Cettres )8891(.- class U: Military Science )2991( .- class V: Naval Science )3991( .- class Z: Bibliography and library Science )0891( .- class Q: Science )9891( .- class T: Technology )1791(