Sustainable forestry :from monitoring and modelling to knowledge management and policy science
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Cambridge, MA
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Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xxiv, 527p.
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Keynote information from selected papters from the conference held in Edinburg April 2006
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Editors: Keith M. Reynolds ... ]et al.[
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Includes bibliographical references
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Science is endogenous to sustainable forestry - implications for scientists and policy makers / M.A. Shannon, G. Buttoud, and R. Pivinen -- Will linking science to policy lead to sustainable forestry? Lessons from the federal forests of the United States / K.N. Johnson -- Participation as a new mode of governance? Scientists and policy makers linked in a double spiral / I. Kouplevatskaya -- The European Union sustainable forest management and climate change mitigation policies from a transition countries perspective / M. Nijnik and L. Bizikova -- Indicators for biodiversity of tropical forests: problems and solutions / K. Rennolls and K.M. Reynolds -- Science-policy consultation as boundary spanning: the interaction of science and politics in two US bioregional assessments / M. Pregernig -- Cluster organization in forestry: supporting information and knowledge transfer in the practice, science and policy of sustainable forest management / T. Mrosek and A. Schulte -- Modelling public support for wildland fire policy / J.D. Absher and J.J. Vaske -- Analysing institutions and public perspectives to identify the future of British forests / M. Nijnik and A. Mather -- Economic conservation - Hill Holt Wood: the three legs of sustainability in practice / N. Lowthrop -- Measuring sustainability using the U.S. Forest Inventory and Analysis Program / C.T. Scott and W.H. McWilliams -- Vegetation diversity assessment in southern Belgium's permanent forest inventory / C. Sanchez, H. Claessens, T. Puissant, H. Lecomte and J. Rondeux -- PractiSFM - an operational multi-resource inventory protocol for sustainable forest management / F. Barrett, M. Nieuwenhuis and M.J. Somers -- The importance of forest stand-level inventory to sustain multiple forest values in the presence of endangered species / D.L. Johnson, K.N. Johnson and D.W. Hann -- Forest land change assessment by continuous inventory / P. Corona, E. Pompei and G. Scarascia Mugnozza -- A study on tree colonization of abandoned land in the Italian Alps: extent and some characteristics of new forest stands in Trentino / F. De Natale, P. Gasparini and A. Carriero -- Using spatial statistics to improve the primary forestry supply chain / J.D. Hamann and K. Boston -- Evaluation of commercial airborne LiDAR and SAR products to estimate top height and associated parameters in production forests in Britain / E.D. Wallington and J.C. Suع۰ئ╪╣rez -- Potential contributions of statistics and modelling to sustainable forest management: review and synthesis / K. Rennolls, M. Tom, R.E. McRoberts, J.K. Vanclay, V. LeMay, B.T. Guan and G.Z. Gertner -- Modelling forest ecosystems: the Edinburgh forest model / J.H.M. Thornley -- Information and knowledge management for sustainable forestry / A.J. Thomson, H.M. Rauscher, D.L. Schmoldt and H. Vacik -- Integrating the DPSIR approach and the analytic network process for the assessment of forest management strategies / H. Vacik, B. Wolfslehner, R. Seidl and M.J. Lexer -- Establishment Management Information System ]EMIS[: delivering good practice advice on tree establishment in the uplands of Britain / M.P. Perks, A.J. Harrison and S.J. Bathgate -- On chatbots and avatars - the virtual forester as a guide to knowledge about sustainable forest management / A. Reinbolz and M. Hanewinkel -- Information and knowledge management in support of sustainable forestry: a review / H.M. Rauscher, D.L. Schmoldt and H. Vacik -- How should we manage knowledge ecosystems? Using adaptive knowledge management! / A.J. Thomson -- An information retrieval system to J. Rondeux -- PractiSFM - an operational multi-resource inventory protocol for sustainable forest management / F. Barrett, M. Nieuwenhuis and M.J. Somers -- The importance of forest stand-level inventory to sustain multiple for