Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,0077-8923 ;v. 957
Text of Note
مرجع به حساب نمي آيد
Text of Note
Alcohol and wine in the prevention of cardiovascular disease : epidemiological evidence -- Balancing the risks and benefits of moderate drinking / by R. Curtis Ellison -- Alcohol and cardiovascular diseases : a historical overview / by Arthur L. Klatsky -- Alcohol, type of alcohol, and all-cause and coronary heart disease mortality / by Morton Grوnbغk -- Polyphenolic components of wine -- Wine phenolics / by Andrew L. Waterhouse -- Wine, biodiversity, technology, and antioxidants / by Fulvio Mattivi, Christian Zulian, Giorgio Nicolini, and Leonardo Valenti -- Chemistry of the antioxidant effect of polyphenols / by Wolf Bors and Christa Michel -- Bioflavonoid-rich botanical extracts show antioxidant and gene regulatory activity / by Kishorchandra Gohil and Lester Packer -- Vasodilating procyanidins derived from grape seeds / by David F. Fitzpatrick, Bettye Bing, David A. Maggi, Richard C. Fleming, and Rebecca M. O'Malley -- Inhibition by wine polyphenols of peroxynitrite-initiated chemiluminescence and NADH oxidation / by Alberto Boveris, Laura Valdez, and Silvia Alvarez -- Effects of alcohol/wine on cardioprotection and atherosclerosis -- The protective and anti-protective effects of ethanol in a myocardial infarct model / by Maike Krenz, Michael V. Cohen, and James M. Downey -- Cardiovascular protection by alcohol and polyphenols : role of nitric oxide / by Dale A. Parks and Francois M. Booyse -- Cardioprotection with alcohol : role of both alcohol and polyphenolic antioxida