1 - Government and the People in a Polarised Society.The Chapters to Come.2 - Beliefs, Values and American Society.Beliefs and Values: An American Ideology?.Values and American Society.Social Structure.3 - Constitutional Government.Origins: A Unique Experiment.The American Constitution.Ratification.The Adaptive Constitution: Assessing the Constitution.4 - Federalism: The Increasing Importance of the States.Federalism in Theory and Practice.State and local government.The Evolution of American Federalism.A Changing Court Role?.The States as Policy Leaders.American Federalism and Political Polarization.5 - The Political Parties and Ideological Polarization.The Functions of Parties.Crisis and Change in the American Party System.The resurgence of Political Parties.Explaining Party Change.A New Role for Political Parties.6 - Elections and Political Participation.Patterns of American Electoral Behaviour.Dealignment, Realignment and the Modern American Voter:.A Divided Electorate.Further Trends in the American Electorate.The 2008 Presidential Election.Non-electoral Political Participation.7 - The Media and American Politics.Media Organization and Structure.How Biased? The Media and the Political Agenda.Controlling the Media.The Internet Revolution.8 - Congress and Representation.Representation and Congressional Elections.Legislators as Rational Actors.The Work of Members of Congress.Conclusions.9 - Congress and Government: The Broken Branch?.The Functions of Congress.The Structure of