Intellectual property and development : an interpretation of the (new) markets for knowledge /Mario Cimoli and Annalisa Primi --Protection of intellectual property rights, innovation, and development /Jorge Mario Martiجunez-Piva --The flexibility of TRIPS and its possible erosion in bilateral, multilateral, and regional negotiations /Andreجus Moncayo von Hase --Intellectual property and the new generation of free trade agreements : the agreement between Chile and the United States of America /Pedro Roffe --Free trade agreements and intellectual property : impacts and challenges /Aجulvaro Diجuaz --Intellectual property rights in the agenda of developing countries : intellectual property laws and access to medicines /Mariجua Fabiana Jorge --Intellectual property rights and biological diversity : considerations for Latin America /Jorge Cabrera Medaglia --Intellectual property in living organisms : current situation, trends, and challenges /Ceجusar Morales --Premises and instruments of innovation policy : a reflection from the Mexican case /Gabriela Dutreجunit --Recent changes in science and technology policy in Mexico : innovation incentives /Daniel Villavicencio --Scientific and technological policy in Mexico and intellectual property /Jorge Amigo Castanجaeda --General conclusions:The challenges for development.
Variant Title
intellectual property, innovation and economic development
Entry Element
Technological innovations, Economic aspects, Developing countries