Woman as secretary, sexpot, spender, sow, civic actor, sickie, by M. Salzman-Webb.--The unmothered woman, by E. Albert.--The sex map of the work world, by C. Bird.--The politics of orgasm, by S. Lydon.--Psychology constructs the female, or the fantasy life of the male psychologist, by N. Weisstein.--Training the woman to know her place: the power of a nonconscious ideology, by S. L. Bem and D. J. Bem.--Femininity and successful achievement: a basic inconsistency, by M. S. Horner.--The social construction of the second sex, by J. Freeman.--Equality between the sexes: an immodest proposal, by A. S. Rossi.--Why women's liberation, by M. Dixon.--I am furious )female(, by E. Cantarow ]and others[--The political economy of women's liberation, by M. Benston