1. Introduction / Mike Christie, Andrew Cliffe, Philip Dawid and Stephen Senn -- 2. Statistical model selection / Philip Dawid and Stephen Senn -- 3. Modelling in drug development / Stephen Senn -- 4. Modelling with deterministic computer models / Jeremy E. Oakley -- 5. Modelling future climates / Peter Challenor and Robin Tokmakian -- 6. Modelling climate change impacts for adaptation assessments / Suraje Dessai and Jeroen van der Sluijs -- 7. Modelling in water distribution systems / Zoran Kapelan -- 8. Modelling for flood risk management / Jim Hall -- 9. Uncertainty quantification and oil reservoir modelling / Mike Christie -- 10. Modelling in radioactive waste disposal / Andrew Cliffe -- 11. Issues for modellers / Mike Christie, Andrew Cliffe, Philip Dawid and Stephen Sen.