What is stylistics? -- Stylistics and levels of language -- Grammar and style -- Rhythm and metre -- Narrative stylistics -- Style as choice -- Style and point of view -- Representing speech and thought -- Dialogue and discourse -- Cognitive stylistics -- Metaphor and metonymy -- Stylistics and verbal humour -- Development: doing stylistics -- Developments in stylistics -- Levels of language at work: an example from poetry -- Sentence styles: development and illustration -- Interpreting patterns of sound -- Developments in structural narratology -- Style and transitivity -- Approaches to point of view -- Techniques of speech and thought presentation -- Dialogue in drama -- Developments in cognitive stylistics -- Styles of metaphor -- Exploration: investigating style -- Is there a "literary language"? -- Style, register and dialect -- Grammar and genre: a short study in imagism -- Styles in a single poem: an exploration -- A sociolinguistic model of narrative -- Transitivity, characterisation and literary genre -- Exploring point of view in narrative fiction -- A workshop on speech and thought presentation -- Exploring dialogue -- Cognitive stylistics at work -- Exploring metaphors in different kinds of texts -- Extension: readings in stylistics -- How to use these readings -- Language and literature (Roger Fowler and F. W. Bateson) -- Style and verbal play (Katie Wales) -- Teaching grammar and style (Ronald Carter) -- Sound, style and onomatopoeia (Derek Attridge) -- Style va