Includes bibliographical references ( p. 710-731) and index.
Text of Note
FDR biographies / Kenneth E. Hendrickson, Jr. -- Eleanor Roosevelt biographies / Norman W. Provizer -- Pre-presidential career / Timothy W. Kneeland -- Physical and psychological health / Robert P. Watson -- The election of 1932 / Donald A. Ritchie -- The 1936-1944 campaigns / Sean J. Savage -- Urban and regional interests / Stefano Luconi -- Minorities / Cherisse Jones-Branch -- Labor / Martin Halpern -- Business / Patrick D. Reagan -- Opponents at home and abroad / Joseph Edward Lee -- As a communicator / Betty Houchin Winfield -- The New Deal / June Hopkins -- The banking crisis / James S. Olson and Brian Domitrovic -- FDR and Agriculture / Jean Choate -- Conservation / Byron W. Daynes -- Political culture / Richard M. Fried -- Human rights / Wesley K. Mosier -- The institutional presidency / Rodney A. Grunes -- Political and administrative style / Margaret C. Rung -- The Congress / John Thomas McGuire -- The Supreme Court / Stephen K. Shaw -- The American military / Lance Janda -- Science and technology / Peter K. Parides -- Intelligence / R. Blake Dunnavent -- Relations with the British and French / Kevin E Smith -- Relations with Canada -- Galen Roger Perras -- The Good Neighbor policy and the Americas / Michael R.Hall -- Relations with the Soviet Union / William E. Kinsella, Jr. -- Relations with China and India / William Ashbaugh -- Relations with Japan / William Ashbaugh -- Relations with Italy and Nazi Germany / Regina U. Gramer -- Relations with Spain and European
Entry Element
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
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Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 --Political and social views.
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Presidents --United States --Biography
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United States --Politics and government --1933-1945