Jeffares, A. N. Introduction.--Dobreجپe, B. The jocose dean.--Hogan, J. J. Bicentenary of Jonathan Swift, 1667-1745.--Ehrenpreis, I. Swift on liberty.--Landa, L. I. Swift's economic views and mercantilism.--Johnson, J. W. Swift's historical outlook.--Leavis, F. R. The irony of Swift.--Rowse, A. L. Swift as poet.--Davis, H. Literary satire in A tale of a tub.--Woolf, V. Swift's Journal to Stella.--Ewald, W. B., Jr. M. B., drapier.--Orwell, G. Politics vs. literature.--Nicolson, M., and Mohler, N. M. The scientific background of Voyage to Laputa.--Williams, K. M. Gulliver's voyage to the Houyhnhnms.--Yeomans, W. E. The Houyhnhnm as Menippean horse.--Bibliography (p. [267]-269)
Entry Element
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745 --Criticism and interpretation