Introduction / Stephen Gaukroger -- The meditations and the objections and replies / Roger Ariew -- Descartes and scepticism / Charles Larmore -- The cogito and foundations of knowledge / Edwin Curley -- The nature of the mind / Marleen Rozemond -- The doctrine of substance / Jorge Secada -- The doctrine of ideas / Steven Nadler -- Proofs for the existence of God / Lawrence Nolan and Alan Nelson -- The Cartesian circle / Gary Hatfield -- Judgement and will / Michael Della Rocca -- Descartes' proof of the existence of matter / Desmond Clarke -- The mind-body relation / John Cottingham -- Seventeenth-century responses to the meditations / Tad Schmaltz -- Appendix: Descartes' metaphysical meditations, trans. William Molyneux (1680).
Entry Element
Descartes, Rene, 1596-1650. Meditationes de prima philosophia