Introduction / Andreas Dufter and Daniel Jacob -- Topicalization and focalization in French SI-clauses / Jeanne Aptekman -- Discourse functions of fronted foci in Italian and Spanish / Lisa Brunetti -- Clefting and discourse organization: comparing Germanic and Romance / Andreas Dufter -- Cleft sentences from Old Portuguese to modern Portuguese / Mary A. Kato and Ilza Ribeiro -- Fronting and verum focus in Spanish / Manuel Leonetti and Victoria Escandell-Vidal -- Additive focus particles in bilingual language acquisition / Estelle Leray -- Major constituent order, information packaging, and narrative structure in two Middle French texts / Claude Muller -- Grammatical and contextual restrictions on focal alternatives / Edgar Onea and Klaus von Heusinger -- Verb placement in Old Portuguese / Esther Rinke -- Topic, focus, and background in Italian clauses / Vieri Samek-Lodovici.
Text of Note
Papers presented at a workshop, Focus and background in Romance languages, that convened during the 30th Romanistentag, in Vienna, Austria, 23-27 September 2007.