Danilo Piaggesi, Kristian J. Sund, Walter Castelnovo, editors.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Hershey, PA :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Information Science Reference,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xxii, 538 p. :
Other Physical Details
ill., maps ;
29 cm.
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references (p. 487-517) and index.
Text of Note
EGovernance vs EReadiness in Urban Municipal Governments in Tamil Nadu India-1 Municipal Mobile SMS Services-24 The Soveriait Project-34 Usage Intention of EGovernment Services in Macao-57 Gender Evaluation of Rural EGovernance in India-67 The Governance of Partnerships in Local Government-83 Integrating Electronic Government and Public Administration Reform Strategies-102 From the City of Bits to ETopia-124 EGovernment in Russia-286 EGovernance for Development-304 The Contribution of Colombian Civil Society Organizations to EGovernment for the Improvement of Transparency through the Use of Information ...-324 Is the Internet Mightier than the Sword-338 Parties and ICTs-355 EGovernment and Competitiveness in Latin America-380 Experiences of the German Technical Cooperation GTZ in the Promotion of EGovernance in Latin America-397 Experiences in EGovernance from an ICT4G Perspective-407 Evaluation of Turkish Public EProcurement Systems 144 Study of Electronic Governance Practices 157 Implementing ICT for Governance in a PostConflict Nation 185 The Ghana Community Network Services Ltd GCNet 209 Danish eGovernment Success Factors 231 Turkish Case of EGovernment PolicyFormulation Process as an Emerging and Innovative Public Policymaking Area 255 ETurkey 272 Strategic Innovation and the Knowledge Society 424 EGovernment Clusters 443 The Knowledge Economy 464 Compilation of References 487 About the Contributors 518 Index 530
Text of Note
Summary:Over the past decade, there has been continual development and renewal of strategies and practices surrounding e-governance. Governments around the world have embraced new information and communication technologies to increase the efficiency of internal processes, deliver better and more integrated services to citizens and businesses, invite citizen and stakeholder participation in planning decisions, improve communication, and sometimes even enhance democratic processes.