re) Presenting in a Global Village: Students of Color and the Study Abroad International Experience)
General Material Designation
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility
;supervisor: Roper, Larry
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Oregon State University: United States -- Oregon
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
: 2013
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
327 Pages
Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
Text of Note
Post-secondary education institutions across the United States are increasingly allocating resources to promote international education exchange programs as a pedagogical praxis to develop students into global citizens. Underlying such notions of global citizenship is the assumption that students will also develop a stronger post-national or cosmopolitan identity as a result of an overseas academic experience. This study examined the identity articulations of students of color who participated in study abroad, international education exchange programs. This research is unique in that few researchers have examined issues of identity articulation, development, and national identity in study abroad programs. In addition, few researchers have provided a theoretical critique about what it means to engage notions of "global citizenship" and cosmopolitanism in a trans-national world of liquid identities, and more importantly, how that experience may be qualitatively different for students of color who participate in international study abroad programs. Using a critical socio-cultural perspective, this qualitative ethnographic case study examined how four students of color experienced and made sense of their overseas educational experience. Employing an ethnographic case study, data collection was conducted between 2008-2010 and consisted of (a) semi-structured interviews both pre-departure and post-return, (b) focus groups, and (c) field observations. Because little research has been done on students of color and international education exchange programs, this study provides additional knowledge that explores how students of color understand and articulate their experience and why these articulations and understandings are important for educational practitioners as they prepare students to dialogue internationally about critical issues regarding real or imagined difference both pre-departure and post-return. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows: • Participants found that as opposed to developing a post-national aesthetic towards identity, they in fact developed more awareness of their racial/ethnic identity. • Participants found that capitalism and globalization affected the ways in which their international hosts perceived and related to them. • Participants found that American racial hegemony is exported abroad and maintained by pop culture both visual and aural and that Euro-American compatriots also maintain that hegemony abroad through behaviors of privilege. • This study emphasized the need for comparative critical analysis of difference and pathologies of power, both pre-departure and post-return to allow participants the opportunity to explore and understand these issues. • International Exchange and Study Abroad programming needs to develop a more diverse, critical, theoretical lens when designing, implementing, and engaging students in international programming overseas.