Introduction: Sociolinguistics in the global era / Nikolas Coupland -- Part I. Global multilingualism, world languages and language systems: 1. Globalization, global English, and world English(es): Myths and facts / Salikoko Mufwene -- 2. Global language systems / Abram de Swaan -- 3. The global politics of language: Markets, maintenance, marginalisation or murder? / Tove Skutnabb-Kangas and Robert Phillipson -- 4. World languages: Trends and futures / Ulrich Ammon -- 5. Language policy and globalization / Thomas Ricento -- 6. Panlingual globalization / Jonathan Pool -- 7. The spread of global Spanish: From Cervantes to reggaetón / Clare Mar-Molinero -- 8. New national languages in Eastern Europe / Brigitta Busch -- Part II. Global discourse in key domains and genres: 9. Localising the global on the participatory Web / Jannis Androutsopoulos -- 10. Globalizing the local: The case of an Egyptian superhero comic / Theo van Leeuwen and Usama Suleiman -- 11. Language and the globalizing habitus of tourism: Towards a sociolinguistics of fleeting relationships / Adam Jaworski and Crispin Thurlow -- 12. Globalization and language teaching / David Block -- 13. Discursive constructions of global war and terror / Adam Hodges -- 14. Has God gone global? Religion, language and globalisation / Annabelle Mooney -- Part III. Language, values and markets under globalization: 15. Language as resource in the globalized new economy / Monica Heller -- 16. Language and movement in space / Jan Blommaert and Jie Dong -- 17. Indexing the local / Barbara Johnstone -- 18. Ecolinguistics and globalization / Arran Stibbe -- 19. The Chinese discourse of human rights and glocalization / Shi-Xu -- 20. Meanings of'globalization': east and west / Peter Garrett -- 21. Languages and global marketing / Helen Kelly-Holmes -- Part IV. Language, distance and identities: 22. Shadows of discourse: Intercultural communication in global contexts / Claire Kramsch and Elizabeth Boner -- 23. Unraveling post-colonial identity through language / Rakesh M. Bhatt -- 24. At the intersection of gender, language and transnationalism / Ingrid Piller and Kimie Takahashi -- 25. Globalization and gay language / William Leap -- 26. Metroethnicities and metrolanguages / John C. Maher -- 27. Popular cultures, popular languages and global identities / Alastair Pennycook -- 28. Global representations of distant suffering / Lilie Chouliaraki -- 29. Global media and the regime of lifestyle / David Machin and Theo van Leeuwen.
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Language and languages-- Globalization, Handbooks, manuals, etc.