A study of corporate social responsibility commitment to poverty reduction: An industry specific approach
General Material Designation
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility
;supervisor: Afriyie, Kofi
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Kean University: United States -- New Jersey
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
: 2008
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
106 pages
Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
Body granting the degree
, Kean University: United States -- New Jersey
Text of Note
Globalization continues to cause significant changes in the evolution of life. At the highest level, the earth is experiencing severe degradation at the hands of humankind's quest for progress and economic viability. Both developed and developing nations are beneficiaries of globalization - the former gaining access to new consumer bases and low cost labor and production, and the latter obtaining access to employment, modernization and thus opportunity for improved quality of life. As a result, there has been increased acknowledgement and scrutiny of how companies conduct business - how ethically and socially responsible they are - both domestically and internationally.Corporate Citizenship (CC)/Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the field of study focusing on the increasing responsibility of companies to provide more than a product or service to a consumer base. It highlights the importance of how the company achieves this objective and broadens the responsibility to include profit maximization. Some CSR topics include health and safety, the environment, diversity, labor and human rights. Yet, the one topic that directly and indirectly affects global humankind, but industry does not appear to directly and/or openly acknowledge and address is that of poverty. Tangible innovation and implemented programs demonstrate the commitment to reduce the environmental footprint, yet what is tangibly evident as addressing the poverty footprint? Is poverty reduction even on the list of active issues for companies?